Have I mentioned that Law Enforcement in Miami-Dade is not like up north when it comes to protests? You want to march and scream and dance, they’ll bend over backwards so you can do so safely. But at the first indication of stupid, Florida LEOs go hard & heavy at the culprits with no regards for how it looks to the pansies and if the idiots get a booboo. .

So yesterday a small group of unimaginative idiots spray painted the statues of Columbus and Ponce de Leon in Miami and police responded before they could finish.

The funny part was that the idiots could have gotten away, but decided to attack the unmarked patrol car which the officers did not take kindly.

And about the only tactical mistake I see is the dumb bastard with the megaphone threatening the cops.
Miami ain’t Seattle or Minneapolis. In fact, South Florida LEOs are probably watching the stuff happening up North and saying something like:


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Protests, Yes. Vandalism, No.”
  1. Lower COVID deaths, no riots, no income tax, to the rational person Florida looks like a shining star compared to NY and elsewhere. No wonder they want to destroy the governor in the media and turn Florida into South New York.

  2. Ha hah hah…”They came at us for no reason!”.

    Wow. The cluelessness is strong with this one.

    Back in my misguided youth I happened to be where there were crowds going out of control. Long before it happened, the cops showed up on horses, which walked sideways, herding the crowd. These were accompanied by other cops with billy clubs telling those in the crowd to disperse.

    Not being an idiot, my friends and I took that as a clue to exit, stage left, doing the curly shuffle – WHOOPWHOOOPWHOOPTIMETOGETOUTTAHERE!

    We had zero sympathy for the morons we saw on the news footage being clubbed like baby seals. You pays for your ticket, you gets the show.

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