Grafton, Wisconsin police arrested a hospital employee Thursday for destroying over 500 doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.
The employee, a pharmacist, first told his employers at the Aurora Medical Center that he left the vaccine out of the refrigerator by accident, but later admitted that he did so on purpose, according to NBC News.

Hospital Employee Arrested After Intentionally Destroying Doses Of COVID-19 Vaccine

Although despicable, I understand that there are idiots that will do things like this because of many reasons: From political or simply they like the feeling of power they get putting people at risk of death or simply killing them and getting away with it, an unfortunate thing that does happen in the Health Care business. The people that got the vaccines basically got useless shots and let’s hope that they really have no secondary effects and hopefully they can get good doses soon.

What shocked me is comments out there by people congratulating this person and some going as far as calling him a hero of the people. Whether the vaccines work or do not work, it was not his call to decide if people could get or not the vaccine. He removed the choice people made to get the vaccine and that is not heroic by any libertarian stretch of the imagination…or at least it was not with the old guard.

If you think people should shoot up Heroin to their hearts content, but it is OK to sabotage vaccines and let people unknowingly get the shots, you are one seriously messed up individual and need to stay the hell away from other humans.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Proving that 2021 did not come with a reset button.”
  1. I’ve been thinking / worried for a while now that 2021 will be 2020v2.

    Seems we’re off to a good start. For certain values of “good.”

  2. As I said before- IF gropin joe gets in office this will change. Trump got the vaccine goin so this is an extention of orange man bad…. the old adage is true, people SUCK

  3. Reminds me of a gun control discussion I had once. The assertion was anyone with a gun was just one bad day away from cracking and going on a rampage. So, guns should be outlawed.

    To which I stated that is true about everyone. Your pharmacist is one bad day away from going bonkers, and deliberately giving deadly doses of medications.

    Curiously, this person I was talking with refused to believe that was possible.

    Sometimes I hate when I am right.

    1. It doesn’t even have to be on purpose: a pharmacist accidentally giving poison instead of medicine is a plot point in “It’s a Wonderful Life”, fer crissake.

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