There is something known as the snowball effect.

Back in the day with Glocks, we had the infamous Glock-leg and Glock-kB.

But one story hits the news, people see it, people report their similar experiences, that becomes news, and the whole situation snowballs.

The SIG P320 and accidental discharges are the same thing.

One story makes two, which makes ten, which makes a public opinion bases on perception and not reality.

Let’s look at two recent examples:


I guarantee you that “extensive firearms experience as a gun owner” meant he carried a J-frame in his pocket for 30 years without a holster and it never went off.

He switched to a P320, did the sane careless handling, and shot himself.

Because he never shot himself with his J-frame, it must be the gun and not him being a jackass.

Example number two:

Officer’s gun that fired inside Massachusetts school is latest Sig Sauer incident

A veteran Cambridge, Mass. police officer’s gun discharged inside of a public school staff bathroom earlier this week, the latest instance of a Sig Sauer P320 pistol allegedly firing without an intentional trigger pull.

Cambridge Police confirmed this is the fourth time a P320 pistol unexpectedly discharged since the force adopted the gun as its duty weapon in 2018. The department said it is investigating the incident.

On Tuesday, Cambridge Officer Frank Greenidge was inside a staff bathroom at Rindge and Latin High School, when, according to a department spokesperson, he “removed his department issued firearm from its holster and it unintentionally discharged. There were no injuries and the school day continued uninterrupted.”

Another cop.

Officer Greenidge went to take a dump, drew his gun, and it went off.

Who wants to bet Officer Greenidge isn’t a gun guy, and butterfingered the trigger?

But he knows other cops have complained about their P320s so is blaming the gun instead of accepting that he’s an idiot and a reprimand.

That’s the way these stories go.

Buy a holster, don’t touch it, and ignore the media.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Put it in a holster and don’t touch it”
  1. I’m not saying the cop didn’t fat finger the trigger, but I understand unholstering to take a dump. My holster does not come off without pulling my belt out of it, so taking a dump is a bit of an evolution. I do have a nice strong retention on mine so even though I don’t remove it)or unholster), the gun won’t just fall out if it inverts.

  2. what ever you carry you have to adapt your life around what you carry. if a firearm can magically go off when its “properly secured”, then obviously it aint properly secured.. thats why I just luv the tommy taticools who “rotate thru 3 or 4 different “carry guns”… improper training results in serious consequences. many learn the hard way… America is wallowing in vast stupidity

  3. It is not impossible that the guns are faulty.
    But, test them, do not assume.
    And the point about the news… 100% valid and correct. Way back in the long-long ago, the lead story in the 10 O’clock news was always related to the Movie of the Week. If Jaws was the movie of the week, the lead story in teh news was about shark attacks.
    No different today. If such-and-such is getting any traction on the ‘net, you can bet it will be on the news.

    1. It is not impossible that the guns are faulty.
      But, test them, do not assume.

      Indeed. See: Remington 700 and the “Walker Fire Control” system. 60 years’ worth of rifles have a chance of discharging with no trigger press, as the safety is switched from “Safe” to “Fire”. Remington denied and fought it the whole time, but in recent years finally acknowledged that: a. the problem exists, and b. they’ve known about it almost the whole time.
      Faulty designs and guns happen, as do injuries from them — that’s why that exception exists in the PLCAA. (Never let anyone tell you the gun industry is immune from liability lawsuits. They aren’t.) But you still have to prove your case with evidence, not empty accusations and assumptions.

  4. +1 point for an external hammer. Put your thumb over the hammer when holstering or unholstering for a non emergency situation, you can feel the hammer moving that way if the trigger becomes snagged and the gun is going to fire. If you do this slowly enough, you can stop it.

  5. “Properly secured in a vest pocket” and “extensive firearms experience” — I see two cases of lying in court paperwork. Not a good plan.

    If the jury are halfway educated about guns, they’ll laugh the clown out of court.

    1. Prior to May 3rd, Mr Plaintiff _thought_ he had extensive firearms experience. And then he learned at the rate of a tens of thousands of psi and a couple thousand fps a whole lot more that completely redefined his understanding of extensive.

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