By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Question of the week”
  1. Oh that’s an easy one. Because the fascist police are only arresting the peaceful protesters and ignoring the ‘right wing racists’.

    1. Well that, and all these angry protesters in the streets were really PROVOKED by the right wing, who wants to start a race war and enslave the blacks and put the Hispanics in concentration camps, and make women and gays into second class citizens. When you see angry crowds of leftist Peaceful Protestors burning and smashing and beating people, it’s all because they were intentionally provoked and attacked by the brutal racist right, and they are just displaying their righteous anger. And of course the police target the leftists, going around and grabbing anyone standing around peacefully holding a sign that indicates they are a Democrat or they support BLM. Because the police just love to arrest and brutalize people so much. Why should they seek out ringleaders and the most aggressive members of the crowd when they can just snatch random people minding their own business off the streets with their Totally Unfair(TM) unmarked cars (unfair because it makes it much harder for the crowds to target the small teams of officers and preventing them from doing their jobs, which is immoral)

  2. Why do businesses put signs saying “BLM” or “Minority-owned” in the windows in the hope of not being looted or burned if White Supremacists are doing all of this?

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