Maybe, just maybe, if this fucking guy has spent a little less time studying Critical Race Theory and white rage…

And spent a little more time studying Middle Eastern history and strategy in war, the Biden Administration wouldn’t have need blindsided by the Afghani Army surrendering and the Taliban taking over Afghanistan in week

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “Quick thought on Afghanistan today”
  1. History repeats itself! I feel like watching the last couple of days of Saigon late April 1975… Except this time, the puppet president we have now even doesn’t care, he is in vacation right now!

  2. We could have stayed in Afghanistan for another 20 years. The outcome we are seeing would be the same outcome now matter when we pulled out. It’s sad. I don’t have answers, only maybe we should never have stayed or tried nation building. Maybe just wiped out Taliban leadership then left with the promise to the new leaders that we’ll kill them next if they act up. I dunno.

  3. You’d have to be Helen Keller to be blind sided by that prospect coming to fruition, but even she knows never fight a land war in Aisa….

  4. Q: “Are you worried that the Taliban will take over Afghanistan?”
    CJB: “No, no, they won’t, the Afghan Army is well trained and well equipped. They have 350,000 soldiers compared to the Taliban’s 75,000 fighters.”(paraphrased)

    China Joe’s response to a question from a reporter about a week ago. Now we’re evacuating our embassy in Kabul. Of course anyway, the real threat is domestic terrorism from Trump voters. Grrr.

    1. Of course, of those 350,000 — 50,000 are loyal to the recognized Afghan government (but won’t give their lives for it); 100,000 of them will run at the first sign of violence; 50,000 are Taliban; and 150,000 of them only exist on paper so the commanders can pocket their pay.

  5. Former Soviet Premier Rhyzkov is laughing his ass off.
    Our government is so inept the Capitol could be taken over by a band of Civil war reenactors drunk on Smores flavored Schnapps.

  6. Biggest Mistake? They let the Regular F’ing Army, Navy, and Marines in Country. Should have kept it SOF and SOF Led local forces only. Even paying top dollar for local warlords, it would have been 1/10 the cost of letting Big Army, Big Navy, Marines, Fucking Useless NATO, and even Me Too Coast Guard in country. The goal should have been to leave when Al Qaeda was run out of the country. With a promise that next time it will be Thermonuclear.

    On the way out in 2002, we should have obliterated the Pakistani ISI HQ. On a Monday, at 11 AM Local Time, when everyone was there.

    My original comment below really belongs here. Big F’ing Military, State Department, and Uninteillegence Agencies really screwed this up.

    My Prediction: In five years we will be smuggling weapons to the Taliban or whoever is sort of, kind of, running part of or most of Afghanistan; so they can fight the Chinese.

    1. Yes, the fact that Pakistan is still called an “ally” is a disgrace.

      Meanwhile, the Afghan army performance reminds me a lot of the French Army in the spring of 1940.

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