I was talking with a buddy of mine, who is a gun nut like myself and currently lives in Miami, about the Miramar shooting.

He said something that I couldn’t let go un-shared.

“The scariest thing about the whole shootout what that cops thought it was a good idea to take cover behind civilian vehicles with people still in them, trying to get out of the line of fire.  What cop comes up with the idea ‘I’m going hide behind this soccer mom in her van’.  Who the fuck trained these guys, Hamas or Hezbollah?”

“Yeah, the more I think about that shooting the angrier I get.  That could have been me or my wife or daughter in the car on the Miramar Parkway.  Just sitting in rush hour traffic when Floridaman McBadgeholder decides to use your kid as a fucking meat-shield when he lets loose with his Gold Dot bukkake.”




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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Quote from a discussion about the Miramar shooting”
  1. Of all places to have a shootout with a couple of thieves. They estimate 200 shots fired in an area that couldn’t have been more dangerous for trapped innocent people. What the hell were they thinking? I do hope at least some good training comes of this disaster.

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