Charges: Man pulls gun on manager after seeing maskless patrons in Maplewood gym

MAPLEWOOD, Minn. (FOX 9) – A 64-year-old man has been charged with assault for reportedly pulling a gun on a Maplewood gym manager after seeing that some members were not wearing face masks.

According to the Ramsey County Attorney’s Office, Michael Florhaug is now charged with second-degree assault.

The criminal complaint states that on Dec. 31, Florhaug went to LA Fitness to personally monitor whether or not members were complying with the state mandated mask requirement for gyms. Florhaug is not a member of the gym.

This guy took it upon himself to police a gym he’s not a member of to see if the people there are wearing masks.

Wearing masks in the gym is dumb.  I tried it when it was mandated.  I didn’t go to the gym instead.  A sweat soaked mask over my face in the elliptical made me hypoxic. I got woozy instead of a workout.

If this 64 year old man was worried about his health, he should have stayed out of the gym.  Instead, he goes into the gym to pull a gun on the manager for not forcing people to mask on the treadmill.

These people are on a power trip driven by a fundamentalist belief in government mandates.

There is a reason I have a buddy who says these people are members of the Church of the Branch Covidians.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Radical masker pulls gun in a gym”
  1. Thanks for putting gun rights in jeopardy, moron.

    Stay in your basement with your mask and gloves on instead of bothering actual adults.

    1. That’s likely not a bug, but a feature to the boomer in question. I saw this article on Arfcom (for all its weaponized autism and shitty signal/noise ratio, it has its moments) where they found this guy’s Bookface profile. His profile picture was of Che and he’d donated to numerous BLM/Progressive/etc. fundraisers.

      This article posted a copy of the criminal complaint:

      “Florhaug explained to officers that he wanted to take photos of members in order to get the gym in trouble for not complying with the mask mandate, the complaint read.

      He then went on to accuse Olson of pushing and tackling him as he tried to leave.

      Florhaug dismissed any concerns about endangering anyone, saying he only ‘flashed the gun.’”

      Someone on the forum posited something that made sense. That all the anti gun people that said firearms would be pulled out in everyday arguments/disagreements (these same people were the ones that ya pro-gun people said were projecting their instability onto others) have now all gone and tooled up themselves. These people think pulling a gun out is no different than flipping the bird at someone or cussing them out. Consequently, the incidents of guns coming out in the course of these spats is increasing.

  2. And J.kb isn’t kidding about working out in a mask. My gym (corporate/franchise HIIT place) hasn’t had a mask mandate at their location, only staff/coaches were required to wear them . . . dumb but whatever.

    Corporate sent out a survey to all the members about the Covidiocy. One of the questions was along the lines of “Regardless of local policies, what would you do if there was a mask mandate for your workouts at the gym?” Sent the feedback that if they did that I’d cancel my membership and do push-ups and sit-ups in the garage until they stopped that stupidity.

    Corporate seems to have dropped that nonsense as there’s been no more talk of any changes on that front.

  3. This is becoming a common thing.

    People who (apparently) are afraid of catching the virus are deliberately placing themselves in danger by getting close to people who are not wearing masks because they want to force others to bend to their will.

    Why would someone of reasonable mind place themselves into mortal danger like this? They wouldn’t. (Exception: First responders, military, that is their job.) If I was so terrified of catching this virus that I wore a mask everywhere, I would stay as far away from an unmasked person as possible. End of story.

    1. Spot on. Over the summer here in upstate New York, two older men (I think both in their late 50’s/early 60’s) were at some type of concert or public event, and one guy became angry when he saw the other not wearing a mask. Instead of steering clear of the maskless man, the masked up totalitarian made it a point to confront him, get in his face, and become hostile. The maskless man pushed the maskhole away; the maskhole stumbled backwards, hit his head, and later died from his injuries. The maskless man is now charged with negligent homicide, or something to that effect. The actual threat of Covid wasn’t what drove the maskhole to act, it was his totalitarian nature and outrage that someone would dare to defy the orders of his beloved government.

      To think, the maskhole would still be alive if he’d just minded his own fucking business. To people who say, “well he didn’t deserve to die!”. Maybe not, but any sympathy I had for maskholes and covid doomers has long abandoned me and I won’t mourn the passing of statist rats. Orwell warned us about people like this.

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