This is fucking bullshit.

Her grandmother lives in Gaza City, the capital of Gaza, also know as the Gaza strip.

Gaza is a self governing, autonomous entity.

The Israelis pulled out of Gaza in 2005.

Gazans have elections and they elected the Palestinian Authority to be their leadership.

The PA is more concerned with blaming Israeli for all problems, killing Jews, and embezzling UN funds than actually governing Gaza.

Even the Israeli embargo hasn’t affected this.  Medical supplies are not embargoed.

For the COVID vaccine specifically, the PA has rejected contact with Israel and is getting the Russian vaccine instead.

This is typical PA Antisemitic propaganda.

They shut down a deal for Israel to administer the vaccine, then tell the Israel-hating press that the Israelis are not giving them the vaccine.

If Tlaib’s grandmother isn’t vaccinated that is entirely the PA’s fault, but in true Palestinian style, she’ll blame the Jooooooossss for everything wrong in her life.

Somewhere in an alternative reality where goodness and truth prevails, she would be censured for her Jew-hating bullshit.

In this dystopia, she gets a pass.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Rashida Tlaib is a lying Jew-hater and nobody will call her out for it”
  1. Cute little trick. Most of the time she wants “palestine” to be independent, but when it comes to actually getting government services, she wants it to be part of Israel.
    Make up your mind already, evil bitch.

    1. Well, the Palestinian Authority isn’t giving out government services, so….

      What she wants is to have her cake and eat it, too. She wants the government services, but she also wants the PA to use the international money they get to destroy Israel. It cannot do both.

      But if she can find a way to blame Israel for not giving out government services to a people who demanded independence and then independently rejected offered services, she will.

      There’s a Yiddish term for this: chutzpah. As comedian Yakov Smirnov describes it, chutzpah is “that quality contained in a man who, having murdered his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court on account he’s an orphan.”

      When it comes to running a nation, Palestinian officials (including Tlaib) generally suck at everything. But one thing they have proven VERY good at is international PR campaigns; to whit, “weaponized chutzpah“.

    2. Another thought: Since Tlaib (and the PA in general) want Israel to provide Palestine everything they should be providing for themselves — so that they can use the international aid money to attack Israel — what happens if they actually succeed?

      As terrible a thought as that is, suppose it happens and Israel as a nation is no more. What is the PA’s plan then?

      They might have to start using the international aid money as it’s intended, to provide food, medicine, education, jobs, etc.

      The problem is, they have no infrastructure for any of that, because all this time they could have been building it, they’ve instead been attacking Israel.

      And that’s assuming the aid money doesn’t dry up like a puddle in the Middle Eastern desert, seeing as how their sympathy story is that they’ve been “oppressed by the E-ville Israeli Apartheid”. If there’s no Israel, there’s no oppression, and thus no reason they can’t make it on their own.

      Palestine’s entire well-being depends on Israel. They can’t survive without her.

      1. Nah, they’ll just find someone else to blame.

        England, America, Russia, India, Chile … Whoever best fits the bill at the moment.

        Or infidels within. That always works too.

  2. Kind of reminds me of…

    Cuomo: We need a vaccine!
    Trump: Today I am happy to announce we have a vaccine
    Cuomo: There is no way in hell I will allow New Yorkers to take a vaccine provided by the trump administration
    Trump: Well, that’s sad. I guess we’ll give the short-shelf-live vaccine to other states where the governors will allow it.
    Media: Yeah! Trump is so awful!

  3. Rashida Tlaib’s grandmother spawned Rashida Tlaib. I think that’s enough to prove she’s sub-human.

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