Several readers pointed me toward this video from the people of #FightBack and I thank you all.  This the reason why good lawyers cost money: they do work like this:


The Media has all but demonize Kyle, so it is our duty to spread this video far and wide to curb the B.S. generated against him.



Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Reconstruction of the Kyle Rittenhouse defensive shooting incident.”
  1. I sure hope he can raise funds and get a good lawyer. He has a real chance if that happens, at least of getting the serious charges dropped. His only crime was being there and armed in the first place, and that’s a joke. All the other armed thugs running around had guns; they didn’t shoot anyone, but that’s only because they WERE the mob, not the people being attacked by the mob. He had every reason to fear they were about to beat him to death. Maybe they were. And I think he WAS being shot at. That first gunshot as he was being chased, and then immediately more shots right after his went off? I think someone had him covered with a gun, and tried to shoot him, and missed. Why else would they just happen to fire off shots immediately after his like that? This whole thing is sickening. A decent upstanding kid who’s only crime was being young and foolish and overenthusiastic and in a situation maybe he – or no one – could be prepared for. Or maybe he was more prepared than most. It’s a cardinal rule if you ARE armed and are being attacked, DON’T hesitate, don’t let them close the range and get into hand to hand, or your gun is not only useless, it may be taken from you and used against you. He acted decisively and appropriately considering what he knew about the situation. The idiots who thought that it was a good idea to charge an armed person are the ones to blame. Grosskruez thought he could bluff and intimidate anyone, and that no-one would dare actually shoot him, was intoxicated with “mob power”, knew he had a gang of thugs behind him. He misjudged. The other ones, even if they were only attempting “citizens arrest” were stupid to try to tackle an armed person like that. Why would they think that was a smart idea, to risk their lives to stop a guy, like the police wouldn’t find him sooner or later anyway? Especially a boy surrounded by hundreds of angry people calling out to kill him and beat him.

    1. He has a great legal team. It is the same team that took CNN and the Washington Post to court over their lies about Sandman.

      The one that just peeves me no end is that those felons that were attacking him and whom he shot all have gofundme pages up and are making boat loads of money from it. Kyle’s funding pages on two or three different sites were all shut down. It is only his law firms page that is still up, IIRC.

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