BigCountryExpat posted this in the GFZ forum.

The “Come armed at your discretion” screams of set up and bait. If you are a gun owner with functioning half a brain, you know DC is off limits to guns unless you are approved LEO, Military on duty and One Of The Selected Political Royalty.


I believe people may need to refresh their reading of The Art Of War:

“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected .”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Choose your battles wisely.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

17 thoughts on ““Refused to be Silenced”? I do have to say it stinks to high heaven.”
    Use yer heads! Sit back, wait. Alot of crap is flyin around. Do you want to stick yer nose up and have some stick to ta??
    Luv the color choice- chicom red an yellow…

    1. Yeah, actual Americans would use red, white, and blue. Hell, even the Iranians wouldn’t produce such clumsy propaganda.

  2. Anonymous organizer, yep, smells like a trap. The real problems is how do us good guys differentiate ourselves from the antifa goons who will be dressed in camo and MAGA hats? I’m sure their overlords won’t mind sacrificing some of them to make the rest of us look like terrorists.

  3. I say: stay away from any and all centers of government that day. It’s not like they’re open on Sunday. Go to church, if that’s your thing. Mow your lawn, or shovel snow, according to your local climate. Binge-watch Babylon 5. Take inventory of your seeds for spring. Heck, read a book printed on real paper.
    Expect dozens of Reichstag fires. We’ll be collectively blamed for them regardless, but if you’re caught on camera anywhere near one of them, you’ll be blamed personally.

  4. Hell the poster itself screams Antifa and stuff. Just look at the composition, how it is made, color choices and imagery. They can’t even pretend to be conservative without their radical tendencies showing. I wouldn’t put this past being a government op to trap idiots.

  5. Armed march to the White House? As in, where the President lives?

    I’m sure the Secret Service will understand it’s just a protest and let them pass. Nothing at all can go wrong….


  6. It’s a trap, yes. Most of those in attendance will be Antifa plants.

    However, they’re going to say we did it anyway.

    Unfortunately, we’re on the back foot, and we put ourselves there. Until we group up and get organized, and start using their own tactics against them, they’re going to hunt us down like rabbits and exterminate every last one of us.

    For all we like to talk big about “I know which side has all the guns,” the side of soy and feelings has a bodycount. The side of guns and responsibility doesn’t. If this is a war of attrition, we lose outright. If it’s a hostile takeover, we’ve already shown we don’t have the balls to stand up for ourselves.


    Of course this is a trap and hot heads from our side will show up. Explain this to everyone you know, especially the passionate ones. It’s a repeat performance by experienced antifa agitators who will video and imsi catch attendees. With your phone imsi, you can be tracked in real time and whereabouts in the past discovered. If you must go, leave your phone at home, mask up and cover any tats. Don’t be stupid.

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