The Counter Jockey Chronicles sent me this brief note.

You asked on the blog how gun stores were doing today
We’re nuts. More sales than even during the pandemic cook off
People who would have never bought a gun
It’s effing nuts.

I figured something big, but apparently I was way short.  I asked him to write a post whenever he had the chance to survive  “another day of explaining back ground checks and why machine guns are $49,000.”

It is gonna be good, I just know it.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Remember I asked about how Gun Stores were doing after this weekend?”
  1. Off topic a little, this weekend in Chicago 19 killed and 43 wounded, no media no BLM. Just normal Chicago violence black on black killing

  2. And all the ammo is sold out again. Dammit. A case of .45Acp I can usually get for 280-300 dollars is $450. I know the prices will eventually go down but damn it is irritating in that front. Luckily I got two cases of 5.56 albeit at an inflated price a couple weeks ago.

    At least now I can spend that money on a new scope instead.

    I think we’re getting very close to the rights switch getting flipped. And once it’s flipped on it’s not turning off. And the left is going to be shocked at what happens to them. They think we are timid and weak while we are simply being polite and law abiding. This can only go on for so long at this point. If the police cannot and will not handle this shit Because the mayors and governors support the criminals the population eventually will. What happens when a store owner uses an at-15 and kills 20-50 looters? What happens when gun owners realize the police can’t/won’t stop them? Hunting parties. Groups of armed people driving around with the intent to hunt down with full intent to kill these rioters and looters. And this point I would not be opposed to the idea. And the sad thing is the police and governors and mayors are so impotent they won’t be able to stop it. I say treat these looters and rioters like Ralph peters says we should treat Isis: “You kill them, kill them some more and keep on killing them until they are all dead or the last one runs away”.

    I am so fucking pissed and over this at this point.

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