We let them get away with that, now they are doing this:


Never, ever, ever give the Left an inch.  They will frog march you the mile to the killing fields where they shoot you in the back of the head.

I think I should direct people to a previous post I wrote about his WWII political cartoons where he was critical of Antisemitism, racism, and discrimination.

Just to illustrate the character of Dr. Suess.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Remember, it started with Confederate statues”
  1. These books have already been pulled from Amazon. I found some on eBay but I’m not interested in paying hundreds or thousands of dollars for them. (I saw both prices, up to 4500$.)

  2. Peculiar. Mr. Geisel was apparently quite the lefty, albeit a patriotic lefty.

    They will, and do, devour their own. So, on what basis might we assume that we might be passed over?

    1. I’m hopeful that before too much longer, they’ll turn on each other for being insufficiently Woke, and the whole thing will fizzle itself out.

      It will happen eventually. The only question is how much cultural damage will they inflict before it’s done.

  3. Remember too, Nimrata “Nikki” Haley took them down in the middle of the night as conservative voters had served her purpose and could now safely be despised.

  4. Seen…pretty much everywhere at this point:

    Name ONE time in human history when the group fighting to ban books and censor speech were the good guys.

  5. As has been pointed out elsewhere, when you begin your day determined to find witches, you will see signs of Satan everywhere. If you’re determined to be outraged, you will find a reason to be outraged.

    I remember reading an article, the TL;DR version is, intent is not transferable. The intent behind a work or object being created doesn’t transfer to the consumer or end user. (The essay itself started about hypothetical piano wires and the man who makes them, but one is used by a criminal to garrote his victim, which is probably not what the maker had in mind.)

    Art and literature are no different. The artist/author had a specific message or story in mind when they create their work…

    … which has jack-all to do with how the consumer receives or perceives it.

    The problem is, the Left is acting as if intent IS transferable. They perceive “racial overtones” and take offense, and so conclude that Dr. Seuss (and the Confederate generals, and all white people, etc.) must have specifically intended a racially-offensive message.

    “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” as the saying goes. Is the artist/author to blame when the eye of the beholder can see only ugliness and hate?

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