From the Hollywood Reporter:

Ads Pulled for Gory Universal Thriller ‘The Hunt’ in Wake of Mass Shootings (Exclusive)

This isn’t the first time a movie has had the trailers pulled because of some high profile crime. Years ago the suspense thriller Phone Booth was delayed because of the DC Snipers.

The problem is the headline of this article does not reflect the enormity of the contents of the article.

In the wake of a trio of deadly massacres, the studio is evaluating its strategy for the R-rated Blumhouse satire in which elites stalk “deplorables.”

Ummm… what?

“Did anyone see what our ratfucker-in-chief just did?” one character asks early in the screenplay for The Hunt, a Universal Pictures thriller set to open Sept. 27. Another responds: “At least The Hunt’s coming up. Nothing better than going out to the Manor and slaughtering a dozen deplorables.”

This is a major motion picture that Hollywood sunk money into and expects us in Middle America to pay money to watch.

In the aftermath of mass shootings within days of one another that shocked and traumatized the nation, Universal is re-evaluating its strategy for the certain-to-be-controversial satire. The violent, R-rated film from producer Jason Blum’s Blumhouse follows a dozen MAGA types who wake up in a clearing and realize they are being stalked for sport by elite liberals.

It took a mass shooting to for some in Hollywood to reevaluate the idea of a murder porn in which they take pleasure in killing working class, Middle American, Republicans.

The script for The Hunt features the red-state characters wearing trucker hats and cowboy shirts, with one bragging about owning seven guns because it’s his constitutional right. The blue-state characters — some equally adept with firearms — explain that they picked their targets because they expressed anti-choice positions or used the N-word on Twitter. “War is war,” says one character after shoving a stiletto heel through the eye of a denim-clad hillbilly.

So the ultimate Hollywood Progressive fantasy is to murder Leftist caricatures of gun-owning Conservatives.

“Employees in different departments were questioning the wisdom of making such a movie in these times,” says one filmmaker with ties to Universal. “In light of the horrific [recent shootings], is this not the most craven, irresponsible, dangerous exploitation?”

Maybe confirming to Middle America just how much the Progressive elite look down on us was a bad idea to begin with.

That point is countered by a Universal executive, who says the movie “is meant to show what a stupid, crazy world we live in,” adding, “It might even be more powerful now.”

So he wants to air his Republican murder porn.

Keep in mind that these are the same people who want to ban you from owning guns.  Who say that your gun ownership is racist and terrible and irresponsible.

Knowing just how much they hate us really fills you with the warm and fuzzies, doesn’t it?

Next time some Hollywood starlet says that we need to give up our guns, remember that is only because they know in their minds that it will make it easier for them to kill us.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Remember that Hollywood wants you to give up your guns”
  1. So if I understand right, it’s only the advertising that has been canceled, not the movie. Correct? They still think the movie is a reasonable thing to make and to release.
    “Projection” is too feeble a term for what the left is doing here.

  2. “It took a mass shooting to for some in Hollywood to reevaluate the idea of a murder porn in which they take pleasure in killing working class, Middle American, Republicans.

    So the ultimate Hollywood Progressive fantasy is to murder Leftist caricatures of gun-owning Conservatives.”

    I’d ask the same question progtards are trending on Twatter: How’s this not a red-flag??

  3. It took a mass shooting to for some in Hollywood to reevaluate the idea of a murder porn in which they take pleasure in killing working class, Middle American, Republicans.

    You’re giving them far too much credit.

    As pkoning said, they’re not reevaluating whether to release the movie. They’re cancelling or limiting the advertising for the movie.

    That such a movie was even made — that someone in Hollywood thought it was a good enough idea that it would play well among those same Middle Americans the characters in the movie are targeting — shows how out-of-touch they really are.

    And the fact the characters are all one political leaning, and their intended victims are the other (and the “Other”), makes it more than just “murder porn”.

    This is “ideological genocide porn”.

    Hollywood is a sewage-filled cesspool that makes the D.C. swamp look like a pristine Irish meadow.

  4. This came up on Fox News’s “Special Report” panel discussion yesterday.
    One commentator (Anna Palmer of Politico) stated that the movie was in bad taste because of current events. The implication clearly is that she thought it would have been perfectly ok if it weren’t for current events. The other two commentators got it right.
    But Matthew Continetti (editor in chief of the Washington Free Beacon) had the perfect closing comment when he pointed out there was a fatal hole in the plot: it assumes that the “deplorables” who are the hunted in that movie are all disarmed.

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