I love Chick-Fil-A. They have the cleanest bathrooms of any chain restaurant I’ve ever seen. When you have little kids, that makes a world of difference. The staff they hire is polite and competent. I’ve never had an order wrong at Chick-Fil-A or treated with the causal discourtesy that makes the self order kiosk at a McDonald’s the preferable option. Also their waffle fries are beyond awesome.
I’m not the only person that thinks so. They are the fastest growing fast food franchise in the country. Chick-Fil-A does a record $4.4 million in sales per store. That is the highest of any fast food franchise. That includes them being closed on Sundays.
Much of the success of Chick-Fil-A comes from the Christian culture that is part of the Chick-Fil-A corporate culture crated by founder Truett Cathy.
Of course selling good food in a clean place, tended to by polite people, while making great profits is everything that Progressives hate.
There is nothing like a socialist hell hole filled with tent cities, homeless people pissing on the streets, and piles of garbage, human shit, and needles everywhere to make Progressives feel like home.
Despite the fact that Chick-Fil-A was founded in 1946, the first store wasn’t opened in New York City until 2015.
That event was marked by the Mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, encouraging a boycott.
“What the ownership of Chick-fil-A has said is wrong…. I’m certainly not going to patronize them and I wouldn’t urge any other New Yorker to patronize them. But they do have a legal right.”
Because that is what a mayor is supposed to do. He’s supposed to publicly fuck over one of his residents who had the temerity to buy a franchise of the fastest growing restaurant chain in America.
The New York Post called him out for that. I’d take it a step further and call him a complete piece of shit for that.
Three years later, Chick-Fil-A has expanded in New York City.
The New Yorker decided to double down on de Blasio’s hatred of the brand.
Chick-fil-A’s arrival in New York City feels like an infiltration, in no small part because of its pervasive Christian traditionalism. https://t.co/wnhMrMBN6z
— The New Yorker (@NewYorker) April 13, 2018
Yep, that’s the title “Chick-fil-A’s Creepy Infiltration of New York City.”
The same people who think it’s great to make New York City a sanctuary city that shields illegals who drive drunk from prosecution are upset about a popular, law abiding business “infiltrating” NYC.
New York has taken to Chick-fil-A. One of the Manhattan locations estimates that it sells a sandwich every six seconds, and the company has announced plans to open as many as a dozen more storefronts in the city. And yet the brand’s arrival here feels like an infiltration, in no small part because of its pervasive Christian traditionalism.
That’s some Progressive bigotry if I’ve ever heard it.
Its headquarters, in Atlanta, are adorned with Bible verses and a statue of Jesus washing a disciple’s feet. Its stores close on Sundays. Its C.E.O., Dan Cathy, has been accused of bigotry for using the company’s charitable wing to fund anti-gay causes, including groups that oppose same-sex marriage. “We’re inviting God’s judgment on our nation,” he once said, “when we shake our fist at him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.’ ” The company has since reaffirmed its intention to “treat every person with honor, dignity and respect,” but it has quietly continued to donate to anti-L.G.B.T. groups. When the first stand-alone New York location opened, in 2015, a throng of protesters appeared. When a location opened in a Queens mall, in 2016, Mayor Bill de Blasio proposed a boycott. No such controversy greeted the opening of this newest outpost. Chick-fil-A’s success here is a marketing coup. Its expansion raises questions about what we expect from our fast food, and to what extent a corporation can join a community.
Oh, and it continues.
This reminds me of Governor Cuomo’s statement about New York.
You’re seeing that play out in New York. … The Republican party candidates are running against the SAFE Act – it was voted for by moderate Republicans who run the Senate! Their problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.
I’m getting a sense of who New Yorkers are. They are a bunch of bigots who hate everyone outside their progressive bubble.
Letting a nine-year-old drag queen be the headliner of a pride parade and open up a drag club for kids isn’t perverse, child abuse, it’s progressive.
Believing in a definition of marriage that goes back to early Roman Christianity is creepy.
I noticed that word—community—scattered everywhere in the Fulton Street restaurant. A shelf of children’s books bears a plaque testifying to “our love for this local community.” The tables are made of reclaimed wood, which creates, according to a Chick-fil-A press release, “an inviting space to build community.” A blackboard with the header “Our Community” displays a chalk drawing of the city skyline. Outside, you can glimpse an earlier iteration of that skyline on the building’s façade, which, with two tall, imperious rectangles jutting out, “gives a subtle impression of the Twin Towers.”
This emphasis on community, especially in the misguided nod to 9/11, suggests an ulterior motive. The restaurant’s corporate purpose still begins with the words “to glorify God,” and that proselytism thrums below the surface of the Fulton Street restaurant, which has the ersatz homespun ambiance of a megachurch. David Farmer, Chick-fil-A’s vice-president of restaurant experience, told BuzzFeed that he strives for a “pit crew efficiency, but where you feel like you just got hugged in the process.” That contradiction, industrial but claustral, is at the heart of the new restaurant—and of Chick-fil-A’s entire brand.
I wonder if The New Yorker knew that McDonald’s had so many reports of rude employees it had to have a corporate level crack down on employee behavior.
Chick-Fil-A with its “community” attitude doesn’t have that problem.
Its arrival in the city augurs worse than a load of manure on the F train. According to a report by the Center for an Urban Future, the number of chain restaurants in New York has doubled since 2008, crowding out diners and greasy spoons for whom the rent is too dear. Chick-fil-A, meanwhile, is set to become the third-largest fast-food chain in the nation, behind only McDonald’s and Starbucks. No matter how well such restaurants integrate into the “community,” they still venerate a deadening uniformity. Homogeneous food is comfort food, and chains know that their primary appeal is palliative. With ad after ad, and storefront after storefront, they have the resources to show that they’ve always been here for us, and recent trends indicate that we prefer them over anything new or untested.
I’m sorry that Chick-Fil-A isn’t some impossible-for-a-working-family-to-eat-at expensive or unpalatably awful hipster restaurant (don’t think I’ve forgotten how you fucks ruined BBQ). I figured there would be plenty of room in NYC for a diversity of business. But I guess they like their eating establishments like they like their people, that is a rainbow of like minded Progressives.
Defenders of Chick-fil-A point out that the company donates thousands of pounds of food to New York Common Pantry, and that its expansion creates jobs.
The company donates, does good works, and creates jobs. Well fuck those guys then.
The more fatalistic will add that hypocrisy is baked, or fried, into every consumer experience—that unbridled corporate power makes it impossible to bring your wallet in line with your morals.
Says who? The defenders of socialism?
Still, there’s something especially distasteful about Chick-fil-A, which has sought to portray itself as better than other fast food: cleaner, gentler, and more ethical, with its poultry slightly healthier than the mystery meat of burgers. Its politics, its décor, and its commercial-evangelical messaging are inflected with this suburban piety.
Clean and polite is so gross. New York is about a syphilitic trans-gender performance artist making a statue out of Xer’s used tampons for the #Resistance. That’s avant garde.
A representative of the Richards Group once told Adweek, “People root for the low-status character, and the Cows are low status. They’re the underdog.” That may have been true in 1995, when Chick-fil-A was a lowly mall brand struggling to find its footing against the burger juggernauts. Today, the Cows’ “guerrilla insurgency” is more of a carpet bombing. New Yorkers are under no obligation to repeat what they say. Enough, we can tell them. NO MOR.
This was nothing more than a hate fest of Christianity and the South and Middle America where Chick-Fil-A is the favorite fast food restaurant.
This is nothing but contempt. But the way it is framed, as Christian Middle American values “infiltrating” New York City is something else.
This attitude is from someone who doesn’t like that New York City is part of America. New York is above the rest of the country and how dare our provincial ways enter the city. How dare something loved by flyover country peasants exist in New York City.
This is just another example of why I think it’s time for a national divorce.
When you hate your fellow countrymen so much that you have to take your anger out on a chicken sandwich, we have nothing in common anymore.
I live near Buffalo, there are rumors of a Chik Fil A opening up here, and everyone is excited. That NYC progressives see this as an “infiltration” is hilarious to me. I guess if the place is expanding down in that shithole city, then that must mean no one listened to DeBlasio and decided to eat there anyway.
And fuck Andrew Cuomo, just seeing that quote of his reprinted reminded me how much I hate him. If he didn’t have NYC to vote him in he’d not be Governor, he’d wouldn’t get elected dog catcher by upstate.
“That may have been true in 1995, when Chick-fil-A was a lowly mall brand”
WUT? They had a number of stand-alone restaurants by then, and even when mostly in malls, they were certainly not considered “lowly.”
In the days right after the 9/11attack, when every news report showed the recovery efforts in the twin towers’ debris and miles of “have you seen this person?” posters, I saw an interview with a New Yorker that stuck with me forever because it just summed that New York City attitude perfectly.
He said the attack hurt so bad because it was there, “in the Capital of the Universe”.
That’s the same attitude as “an infiltration”.
Wow. I’d love to be there when that guy learns the universe has never heard of New York City.
Onward chicken sandwich
Marching as to war
My question to the butt-sniffing elitist NYC progtards is this: Would y’all be bitching up a storm about “creepy infiltrations” if the restaurant was owned by Muslims or ateists or shinto priests?
Bake the fucking cake, assholes!!!
I first encountered Chik-Fil-A in Missouri and it was OK but not worth cult level love. A Chik-Fil-A opened in Beaverton Oregon a few years ago and the only notice it got was long lines at the drive through, although a capital C Christian colleague was rather gleeful about it. Personally I find Chik-Fil-A acceptable because they consistently walk the walk, unlike Hobby Lobby which claimed its Christian beliefs prevented it from covering contraceptives in health insurance but still allowed opening stores on Easter Sunday.
Stuff like this makes me glad I left New York 25 years ago, before it turned into cloud cuckoo land.
I noticed that word—community—scattered everywhere in the Fulton Street restaurant. A shelf of children’s books bears a plaque testifying to “our love for this local community.” The tables are made of reclaimed wood, which creates, according to a Chick-fil-A press release, “an inviting space to build community.” A blackboard with the header “Our Community” displays a chalk drawing of the city skyline. Outside, you can glimpse an earlier iteration of that skyline on the building’s façade, which, with two tall, imperious rectangles jutting out, “gives a subtle impression of the Twin Towers.”
There is so much hypocrisy and hate in that one paragraph, I had a hard time getting through the rest. In any ultra-“Progressive” restaurant run by a married same-sex vegan couple, a shelf full of children’s books would be a laudable gesture supporting childhood literacy. Ditto for using reclaimed wood for tables; such an eco-friendly choice would elicit the highest praises. The skyline mural would be a visual demonstration of unity, and the Twin Towers being included in it would be a noble remembrance.
But because Chik-Fil-A is run by (*gasp!*) devout Christians, it’s all suspect, as are the motives of the brand for doing any of it. I have to ask, would the writer be happier if Chik-Fil-A didn’t give two s#!ts about the community, sustainability, or environmental consciousness? (Don’t answer that, I already know — of course they would; it’d give them more to complain about.)
However, what really irked me was the choice of the word “imperious” in reference to the Twin Towers being included in the skyline mural. It implies that the WTC was a symbol of “American Imperialism” (whatever that is supposed to be this week) and the “evils of capitalism”, both of which should be erased from history, thankfully forgotten, and good riddance.
Seriously, those implications are only a step and a half (if that) from praising the international Islamic terrorists who destroyed it and killed nearly 3,000 innocents in the process.
Then again, praising Islamic terrorists while condemning America is nothing new for the “Progressive” Left.