Anthony Sabatini is a Republican member of the Florida Legislature. He represents the state’s 32nd House district. The 32nd District of Florida encompasses mostly South Lake County and some of North Lake County, Florida. Sadly that is not my district, why?

Here is the text in case you have issues with the photo.

State Representative Anthony Sabatini
The Orlando Sentinel Editorial Board requested a candidate interview with me for the purpose of issuing an endorsement. Here is my reply letter below:
Orlando Sentinel Editorial Board
633 N. Orange Ave.
Orlando, FL 32801
Re: Candidate Interview
Good Afternoon,
Thank you for your interest in interviewing my candidacy for re-election to the Florida House. However, because the political leanings of the Orlando Sentinel Editorial Board fall on the political spectrum somewhere between those of Hugo Chavez and Antifa, I politely decline to be interviewed by the Board. Furthermore, as a matter of policy I have denied interview requests this cycle from any left-wing organization with a palpable and demonstrable hatred of President Trump—the Sentinel is not alone in this distinction.
Respectfully, as a candidate who believes in freedom and trusts individuals to manage their own lives, an endorsement from any group or institution that seeks to massively increase the role of government in every aspect of Floridian’s lives (like the Orlando Sentinel), or to destroy our free market economy through endless interventions (like the Orlando Sentinel), or seeks the total and final erosion of individual liberty (like the Orlando Sentinel), or that desperately seeks to conform the beliefs of all elected officials to left-wing precepts (like the Orlando Sentinel), is not something to be sought, but rather something to evade at all costs.
For these reasons, an endorsement by the Sentinel or any other news outlet with similar quasi-Marxist views would have an effect more analogous to an act of defamation than a trustworthy recommendation.
Finally, its clear the major issue plaguing the media (id est “Fake News”) today is that the front page of the newspaper has become identical to the back page. “Editorializing” the once straight forward news has become more popular than ever, resulting in an almost all-time low in the public’s trust of the media—41% according to a recent Gallup Poll. Submitting to an interview with the Editorial Board would have the effect of encouraging this gross trend of “editorializing” the news, when newspapers need—more than ever before—to cast opinion aside and report “just the facts.”
For these reasons, I politely decline your request.
Anthony Sabatini
Florida House of Representatives, District 32

Oh Sweet God, That is gonna leave a firm imprint in their ego which is locates somewhere in the rear.

Well done Mr. Sabatini, well done.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Rep Anthony Sabatini has an interesting response to a request from Orlando Sentinel”
  1. As much as I like reading that response, I am reminded a bit of Mayor Ted Wheeler’s open letter responding to President Trump. Rep Sabatini does a good job of avoiding the smug, snarky tone that Wheeler used, but I know there are people on the left side of the political aisle that will use this letter as a way to damage the Representative.

    However, I am glad he did send that letter, and called out the news paper for their editorial stance. I would probably have been tempted to do the same in his position, but my letter would have been a lot more “edgy.”

  2. Why would they care about the opinions of a man they despise with every fiber of there being, hope gets shot and killed by an antifa member so the DA can make sure to drop all charges and then they can call them a hero? A person they view as a nonhuman animal in need of extermination? Just like Every single solitary person that votes for Trump, registered Republican, gun owner, straight white male, Jew and ESPECIALLY minorities that voted for Trump.

  3. Boomage! ??

    Somebody get the dbags at the Slantinel a bucket of aloe vera cuz they just got burned something fierce. ROFL!

  4. This is awesome. I don’t live in Orlando (although I need to double check whether his district runs to south of Tampa – in this age of Gerrymandering you never know). But if he’s not my Congress Critter then maybe I need to ping my actual CongressCritter for comment.

  5. Not mentioned but undoubtedly a consideration: with publications like this, the likely outcome of an “interview” is a skillfully slanted collection of out of context quotes designed to make the candidate look like someone entirely different than he actually is.
    A way of putting that would be “if you want to do fiction writing about me, you’ll have to do it without my help”.

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