U.S. Rep. Al Green, D-Houston, refuses to be intimidated by domestic terrorists. Even though the House of Representatives canceled its scheduled votes following a credible threat against the U.S. Capitol, Green, the U.S. representative for Texas’ District 9, vowed to remain on the steps of the Capitol building.

‘I won’t be intimidated’: U.S. Rep Al Green remains on Capitol steps amid threats of violence to Congress

Posing like he was some MLK incarnation while hiding behind the camouflage skirts of the National Guard behind fencing and razor wire to protest about imaginary threats?

I cannot be this much of a hypocrite. If I tried to pull something like this, the spirit of my mom would appear before me, chancleta in hand and beat me around the head till some sense of decency is once again inserted among brain cells.  And then dad’s spirit would take over and that would not be a nice outcome.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Representative Al Green is so fearless!”
  1. Celebrities and politicians must have some mental deficiency that keeps them from having shame or introspection.

    Normal people would be too embarrassed to be this shameless.

  2. What an idiot! If I could talk to him, I would say, forcefully, that the only threat to America is the Democrat party!

  3. Reminds me of the sit-in that happened in the House a few years back. Brave representatives decided to occupy the House chambers until something was done about gun violence.

    They had catering, and pretty much gave up after about an hour.

    It is not a sacrifice if you are not actually risking anything.

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