At face value this is ludicrous.

However, I’m embracing it.

I hate Football and clearly the NFL went woke so…

Republicans should immediately call for the NFL and all of its franchises to be shut down, all of its properties and assets seized, and all corporate and franchise owners arrested and prosecuted for 13th Amendment violations.

How could the Left argue against that without denouncing St. Kaepernick of Blessed Martyr of the Pigskin?

Football was already going broke for going Woke, it should be finished off by frog marching owners out of their mansions and seizing the stadiums for public use.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Republicans should act on this with gusto”
  1. It is called training camp for a reason.

    It is where the players (all of them, not just the blacks) demonstrate their physical capabilities so the coaches/owners, and determine where they end up on the team. (Starter versus bench warmer)

    If you want to throw the ball, larger hands are an asset. If you want to catch it, height is an asset. If you want to block, size is an asset, and if you want to run, leg length is an asset.

    One more note. Training camp IS synonymous with buying slaves. Football, well any professional sport is physical. You are being paid for your physical abilities. Your mental abilities are useless if you cannot entertain the fans, and that is a direct result of your physical size, and strength.

    One could say exactly the same thing for most metropolitian police and fire departments.

    1. Its any profession. I was grilled on my engineering knowledge for my last job. It doesn’t require much physicality but I was still intellectually poked and prodded.

      1. Not sure they asked the slaves to solve a few differential equations as part of the slave auction, but you are not incorrect. Your employer has to determine your capability to do the job, and when that job is sportsball, your physical traits are what is evaluated.

  2. Ah yes. I remember the scene in Roots where Kunta Kinte was poked and prodded and then signed to a 5 year $85 million contract with a signing bonus to spend on hookers and blow.

  3. There’s a vast, huge difference between having physical requirements for your job and being a slave. CaperDick’s a moron.

    The essence of slavery is not being able to quit and walk away. Any of the million dollar babies could quit football and go do anything else they want to, for the going market wages.

    Every fighter pilot, every astronaut, every soldier, every baseball player, everybody whose job depends on physical abilities gets hired based on them.

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