I did a non-meaty demonstration once by placing a plain sheet of letter-size paper across the top of  my Model 65 loaded with plain old .357 white box.  The shower of unexpected white confetti did not amuse the range owner.  I did grab a broom an swept as far as safety allowed me.

Yes, it was dumb move and not very polite. Just don’t do it.  But respect the gap


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Respect The Gap: Jerry Miculek explains Cylinder Gap danger”
  1. I’m not sure where I first heard of the gap. I don’t think I shot a revolver until about two years ago. It is just not something you think about.

    I was trained to hold a pistol in the “teacup” mode. This is strong hand around the grip and weak hand cupping the butt of the grip. I think it was the standard for revolvers for many years. It made sure your fingers were out of the way of the gap.

    It wasn’t until I had been shooting for many years that somebody decided to correct my grip because it turns out that putting your hand under the mag well is a good way to have bad things happen to your hand when you have an out of battery shot.

    So thank you for the safety reminder.

    As for my tip of the day…

    My lady was with me at a private range and we had been shooting for a while. She was unhappy with the amount of lift she was getting every time she fired a round.

    She asked me if she could put her week hand, palm down, on top of her strong hand wrist to stop that climb. I wasn’t paying enough attention and said “OK.”


    Gun is put down rapidly but safely and we are in the first-aid kit to stem the flow of blood.

    The top of her left hand was above the line of the slide/frame interface. As the slide came back with violence it cut to groves in the top of her left hand.

    I was a dumb ass, don’t you be a dumb ass. If you don’t know if it is safe and it is not the normal way to do it, DON’T DO IT THE ABNORMAL WAY. Let somebody else be dumb first.

  2. Friend saw someone shooting a Chiappa Rhino for the first time get bit because his thumb-forward grip, on this revolver, put it almost even with the gap.

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