My son loves all things mechanical.

I am convinced he is the second coming of Kelly Johnson.  He builds airplanes out of Legos and explains to me in great detail, for an almost-four-year-old, how “the turbines make it go super speed.”  His is meticulous about sided to side symmetry and I swear his models fit the Whitcomb area rule.

Beyond airplanes, he points out every part of my truck and tells me what it does.

He counts everything, although he has trouble once he gets into the 30’s, and has started to grasp addition.

I haven’t drilled this into him.  He has picked all this up on his own.

I glad we live in Huntsville, because if there is anyplace where his love of aerospace will be fostered, it will be here.

Then… I go on twitter and I see this and it scares the fuck out of me for the future of my son.

It really doesn’t surprise me then that only 22% of NY 8th graders have proficiency in math, or that 32 NYC middle schools had less than 10% math proficiency and that under the progressive administration of Commissar de Blasio 4th graders saw a 7% drop in math proficiency.

Washing DC, likewise, only has 10% math proficiency for graduating seniors.

Half of Baltimore schools have 0% math proficiency.

I’m sure, however, that all these students know their 31 state recognized genders and the hierarchy of intersectionality.

It’s not important to know how to do math because math skills are racist.  What is important is knowing how to call out people who do have math skills for their white privilege.

In reading stuff like this I have come to the realization that in H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine, the Eloi are not the good guys and the Morlocks are not the bad guys.

Remember that in The Time Machine the Eloi have no idea how to use any of the technology that sustains them, they have no economy, and when they are in trouble they totally unable to help themselves (the other Eloi stood around and watched as Weena drowned).

The Morlocks took care of the Eloi, and in return, ate them.  The Eloi were human cattle.

These progressives like Jessica Valenti are happy to use twitter and Facebook and technology while systematically destroying the  educational system needed to produce people who know how to maintain and create technology.

They are like the Eloi, helpless and ignorant, only far less banal and docile.

They hate those of us know actually can do math and create and build and run machine tools and weld.  They call us knuckle-draggers and bigots.

We are the Morloks that take care of them while simultaneously are hated by them and seen as being nothing but ignorant monsters.

So when I read an article about how a biological woman who identifies as a lesbian is married to a trans-woman who is an intact biological male, and they want to have a baby but can’t figure out how to make that work, my inner Morlock says “these Eloi can’t even figure out how to breed on their own.”

At least as a Morlock I have a solid know-how to effectively use both a socket set and my dick.

If knowing more about Euclidean geometry or Newtonian calculus – created and named for hated white males – than the hodgepodge of gender issues makes me a monster, I’ll wear that with pride.

I am a Morlock.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Rise of the Morlocks”
  1. When you abandon reading, writing, arithmetic, and PE in favor of indoctrination, you end up with ignorant indoctrinated fatties. Perhaps that’s their plan — to make them like themselves.

  2. Hm. I take your point, but at least the Eloi had a basic use. Comparing today’s progressives to the Reavers from Firefly may be a better analogy. So peaceful, until they take out hyper-violent aggression on the rest of humanity; they build weird stuff that’s not useful for any real purpose other than destroying or dividing people.

    (And I would not want to eat a progressive, in any sense of that term.)

  3. Like ‘1984’, those people are using ‘Examination Day’ as a guide, not a warning.

  4. Two words about your four year old: home school.

    Public schools are just a giant tarball of fail – as you documented. Avoid them. Private schools – maybe, you’ll have to do your research.

  5. Welcome fellow Morlock… being a knucledragger is nice because liberals under estimate you. And they are fun to watch when you tell them NO. Bright side- we will just have to wait for the zombies to eat them and it will be a short wait. Heh heh heh

  6. The collapse of the higher education bubble will happen soon, and with it, the outmoded Dewey derived public education model.

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