“The guy reaches in the vehicle and starts punching him in the face. The kid’s yelling, ‘Stop, I got an 11-month-old in here, stop, stop, stop,'” witness Bryon Buchanan told WESH-TV.
Police said the driver’s girlfriend tried to stop the attack by claiming to be armed.”She decided she would have an outburst, saying, ‘We have a gun in the truck,’ thinking that would cause him to leave,” Ocala police Sgt. Cynthia Barnes said.
The man instead told the couple he was going to retrieve his own gun from his vehicle, and went back and started rooting through his Camry.Police said the 18-year-old then threw the truck into reverse and parked the vehicle atop Aponte’s Camry.

Source: Watch: Road rage ends with alleged victim’s pickup on top of car – UPI.com

I am just gonna quote Derek W.:

Well, that satisfies both the “use the tools you have” and the “don’t get out of your big metal box rules”.

And solved the problem. Well done.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Road rage ends with alleged victim’s pickup on top of car .”
  1. When I still watched Breaking Bad, there was one scene that stuck with me. Hank the DEA agent was attacked by the Mexican assassin brothers in a parking lot. One of the brothers shoots at Hank through the rear window of his Jeep. Hank throws it into reverse and crunches the shooter against another car. Takes him out of the fight and causes the shooter to lose his legs.

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