“I don’t believe in guns,” said Dorsey. “I don’t own a gun. I’m totally at the mercy of my saviors. They obviously sent two angels to help me. These people protected me when I couldn’t protect myself.”

via Robbery victim wants to thank Good Samaritans who came to his rescue | khou.com Houston.

OK, so now get a clue and take steps to protect yourself. The Blanche DuBuois School of Life is not the way to go.

And as for the cherry on top:

After the robber had been shot, police say he jumped over a fence and was attacked by a German Shepherd. That attack prevented him from getting away.

In my book, the doggie gets a big juicy steak and whatever female poodle is available in the neighborhood.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Robbery victim wants to thank Good Samaritans who came to his rescue.”
  1. No atheists in foxholes…no hoplophobes post-home invasion.
    A reality bitch-slap has that effect on the unicorn-fart snorters.
    Rely on the police and they get to draw the chalk outline around you.

  2. Sad part is, most of the anti-gun crowd that I know of would thank the saviors, and then continue to believe in the miraculous powers of tighter gun restrictions.

    Kudos to the Good Samaritans and the German Shepherd, though!

  3. Further thoughts… While I commend the Samaritans, what they did was dumb. There was no NEED for them to confront the crim when no one was in danger; doing so put them at risk legally.

    ‘course, it’s Texas…. God Bless ’em. In my state of Kali, the criminal would — unfortunately — end up owning the good guy’s house.

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