One of the things that is tearing this country apart is the idea of “rules for thee but not for me.”
We see this everywhere.
It could be selective enforcement of laws where a citizen’s life is ruined for a DUI, but an illegal immigrant who drives drunk and runs somebody over gets goverment sponsored sanctuary.
It could also be moral standards, where the Trump administration gets called out by the media for having mostly white interns while HuffPo’s intern pool looks like a sorority photo at SMU.
This is often dismissed as hypocrisy, but it’s not. Hypocrisy is moral blindness. It’s not seeing how your behavior goes against your stated code for others.
This is deliberate. Ever more, rules – be them the law or just social norms – are less for the governance of society and more as weapons in a culture war.
The point is to inflict casualties on the other side by inconveniencing your opponents as much as possible without affecting your side.
The radical Left wants goverment funding of Planned Parenthood BECAUSE it is a nail in the eye of conservatives, and they hate them. It’s not going increase “healthcare” for poor women, it will launder federal funds for the DNC.
Sanctuary cities are full of crime and cost the tax payers billions. The pain is felt the most by the working class, who the wealthy politicians hate, while providing the wealthy politician’s wealthy neighbors with cheap lawn care and pool cleaners. It’s a policy engineered to hurt the lower classes who are held in contempt.
Celebrities calling for gun control while having armed guards isn’t hypocrisy. They know you like guns. They hate you for not being a member of their elite class. They know that restricting gun rights will hurt you. So they will push for every law that will hurt you but allow them to keep their armed guards. It’s not a moral blind spot, it is weaponizing the law for class warfare.
Every once in a while one of these legal bombs will land danger close to the side that fired it and frag their own.
The Parkland kids who were pushed by the media onto the national stage were child solders in a culture war.
Nothing they proposed will prevent the next school shooting. The people tasked with preventing school shootings failed miserably at their jobs.
They are being used to push gun control that will hurt Red America, where high capacity magazines and assault rifles are not currently banned. The idea is to turn all of America into New York and California. It won’t hurt their side, it will hurt ours.
So far the Parkland kids haven’t gotten a national AWB. But in their push for “school safety” as cover for their anti-gun efforts, they got school safety.
They hate it.
My new backpack is almost as transparent as the NRA’s agenda.
I feel sooo safe now.
As much as I appreciate the effort we as a country need to focus on the real issue instead of turning our schools into prisons. #clearbackpacks #MarchForOurLives
— Lauren Hogg (@lauren_hoggs) April 2, 2018
This one landed danger close and they are now the casualties of their own actions.
One would think that this friendly fire incident would teach them a lesson: don’t impose rules on others that you don’t want imposed on yourself.
Unfortunately, I believe that for people like these kids, they are too far gone down the path of culture war lawfare to learn it.
We can enjoy a brief moment of schadenfreude, but all this will do is harden their resolve against us.
Hey, Miss Hoggette isn’t wearing her armband in that photo. Doesn’t that mean she’s in favor of killing kids or something?