I posted a version of this comment over McThag’s, but it deserves its own blog post.
Much has been said about the Fix NICS bill (Text here). People that know and are TRUE PATRIOTS™ have been warning us that the bill secretly contains an Assault Weapons Ban, it allows the local dog catcher to declare anybody he does not like a Prohibited Person and gives orders to Federal LEOs to start shipping gun owners to concentration camps.
I tried all expert methods to find where in the bill were those awful things. I started with reading, then reading it again without my glasses. I used dark light, reactive agents, special optics just in like the CSI TV shows, but I could not find them. Finally while fine-tuning my wearable Rabbit Ears listening to Coast to Coast, I came up with the solution and…
I FOUND IT!!!! I broke the code.
I sat down, read out loud the text and recorded it in a reel-to-reel tape recorder.
Then I played it back and you could hear over and over in the background, just a whisper.
“Assault Weapons Ban….Assault Weapons Ban….concentration camps for gun owners….concentration camps for gun owners….Assault Weapons Ban….Assault Weapons Ban….concentration camps for gun owners….concentration camps for gun owners….”
I swear, it scared me shitless.
Yes, S. 2135 must be stopped or the Earth will become flat.
The Flat Earth Society has offices around the globe.
There are a certain segment of gun owners who are living in fantasy land, and you can tell who they are by how rabidly they attack this legislation. I get that background checks are technically an infringement, but the idea that the NICS system should be abolished is a fever dream. I especially get a kick out of the GOA line to justify the abolition background checks – “Well, if a person can’t be trusted with a gun, they shouldn’t be roaming the streets”. That’s asinine for more reasons than I can list here. I’m on GOA’s mailing list, and occasionally I’ll send out their pre-written emails if it’s something I agree with, but I’ve noticed as of late that they’ve really upped the fundraising. My guess is they are trying to capitalize off of misguided anger at the NRA.