This is a video of New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy:

Governor Murphy’s image of a safer society means that the police are armed but you, the common citizen without the magic fairy dust of government, are disarmed.

Keep in mind that this is the same Governor Murphy that allowed the release of criminals because of the Coronavirus.  Not to mention that New Jersey sits adjacent to New York which has both released inmates and is not arresting all but the most egregious criminals during the outbreak.

Robbery, vandalism, property theft, those won’t get you sent to jail.

A Jewish community deciding not to cancel their wedding during the lockdown?  They get to go to jail.

Murphy’s safer society means disarmed citizens cowering in fear from convicted criminals given a get out of jail free pass, and an insular orthodox religious community cowering in fear from the armed police because they got too many people to pray in one spot.

I don’t want to live in Murphy’s safer society.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Safer for whom exactly?”
  1. Give a leftist a reason, and they will seize power immediately.

    Just read an interesting thing about the “slow the curve” effort. Apparently, we have no idea when this disease actually made it to the US. The first recorded case in the US was late Jan, but odds are, we had infected people in the US in Nov/Dec.

    Net result, you cannot slow the curve if you do not know where the curve starts.

    Basing massive sweeping government policy on faulty data is a recipe for disaster.

    1. You can start a curve at any point along its length; you don’t need the zero-intercept. Once you have enough data, you can determine its shape, again without needing the zero-intercept.

      The same claim could be used to argue we’re not doing enough, that we have to have more isolation to keep from overwhelming all our medical resources.

      It’s a form of argument from ignorance, demanding non-existent, unknowable, data and declaring the opposite position invalid if it can’t be produced.

  2. “Keep in mind that this is the same Governor Murphy that allowed the release of criminals because of the Coronavirus. Not to mention that New Jersey sits adjacent to New York which has both released inmates and is not arresting all but the most egregious criminals during the outbreak.”

    That’s going to be interesting to watch. Better go get more popcorn.

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