Both of these were published on Saturday.

From The Times (UK):

Youth violence will bring a summer of carnage, warns surgeon Martin Griffiths

A leading trauma surgeon has predicted a summer of “carnage” if alarming rates of youth violence continue across the capital.

Martin Griffiths said that treating children with knife and gunshot wounds had become “the bread and butter” of his work at the Royal London Hospital in east London.

He said that the warmer weather would further inflame violence among young Londoners and that the severity and frequency of attacks had reached a level he would expect in South Africa or the US.

The US?  Well, maybe Chicago or Detroit, considering that the London homicide rate jumped past New York City’s.  That’s a lot worse than the US as a whole.

From The Guardian.

Sadiq Khan warns Trump of PROTESTS if he visits UK as he slams US leader for hate messages

Mr Khan, who has clashed with Mr Trump on numerous occasions since they were both elected in 2016, made the comments following reports he is planning a visit to the UK.

Speaking at a St George’s Day event in Trafalgar Square, the London Mayor warned of protests against the US President should he decide to visit Britain.

Mr Khan is himself under intense pressure to tackle a spike in violent crime across the capital, with more than 60 murder investigations opened so far this year.

He said: “I hope if he does come, he reflects on the difference good leadership can make.

“We have got a great history in our city of protests… we have got a great history in our city of bringing about change by protest, the key thing is for it to be lawful, for it to be peaceful.

So Sadiq Kahn thinks that he has “good leadership” when London surgeons are predicting South African levels of violence?

I guess London’s first Muslim mayor of Pakistani heritage is judging his leadership on the standards of Pakistan or Yemen or Iraq where people are blown up over minor disputes or women are gang raped on trains.


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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Same day, same country, two articles.”
  1. “I guess London’s first Muslim mayor of Pakistani heritage is judging his leadership on the standards of Pakistan or Yemen or Iraq where people are blown up over minor disputes or women are gang raped on trains.”

    That’s not really a fair assessment. Women also have acid thrown in their face, or are slain in “honor killings” for ‘minor’ things like having been raped, or dating a man that the father doesn’t approve of. Oh wait, I think I was supposed to be defending the mayor’s position, but that didn’t help any, did it?

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