Zahra Billoo is a Leftist Muslim activist.

She went to Twitter to gripe about Biden distancing himself from Linda Sarsour, who also spoke at the DNC, which was probably the only smart and decent thing Biden has done this election cycle.

Billoo made this statement:

So the majority of Muslims hate Jews.

We knew that already but thanks for admitting that out loud.

For the Left to embrace Islam they will have to hate the Jews.  There is no reconciling that.

I just wish more Jews would act accordingly.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Saying the quiet part out loud again”
  1. “Muslim activists” trend solidly toward “fundamentalist Islam”, which hates Jews as part of its doctrine and scripture.

    Put simply: There is no separating fundamentalist Islam and Jew-hatred. Hating Jews is part of what of what fundamental Islam is.

    Second only to that Jew-hatred is America-hatred. They hate our freedom, our acceptance of people following other religions (particularly, but not limited to, Jews and Christians), our history, and our prosperity.

    And just like before, there’s no separating them; hating the “Great Satan” is part of what fundamental Islam is.

    That the Left so quickly embraces the followers of this ideology says much about their goals.

    1. Muslim activists are split between fundamentalist Islam and Marxism. Either way, they hate Jews.

  2. If what Sarsour says is correct (and I tend to think it is) then the “muslime community” should be considered as a domestic terrorist group and removed from this nation ASAP. I can’t trust anyone of the izlamist cult and do believe they are actively working against the bests interests of this country…If that makes me a racist, so be it!

    1. They’ll use the word “racist”, even though Islam is a religion, not a race or ethnicity. There are Middle Eastern and Arabic Muslims, black Muslims, white Muslims, East and Central Asian Muslims … they come in all colors.

      It’s just so easy — and takes zero intellectual exertion — to call you a racist, and there’s no way for you to prove you’re not, so that’s what they do.

  3. That Adolf guy talked a big game, but the Smart Jews knew that it would soon all blow over.

    America has the Smartest Jews, and they all vote Democrat. They know those other Democrats don’t really mean it. They are all one big Progressive Democrat Socialist Family.

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