This is how the School Safety Advocacy Council describes itself from its own website:

The School Safety Advocacy Council (SSAC) was established in 2005 with the goal of providing the highest quality school safety training and services to school districts, law enforcement agencies and communities. The Council was founded with the mission to expand beyond the singular approach of relying on law enforcement as the solution for school violence to a cooperative approach which includes all community stakeholders.

The School Safety Advocacy Council has become the recognized leader in school safety services and training and is the host of the largest conference in the nation addressing all aspects of school safety, the National School Safety Conference which attracts professionals from not only the United States but the world.

In addition to the national conferences the School Safety Advocacy Council works in cooperation with its local hosts, government and corporate partners to provide training and services to communities, colleges and universities, school districts and law enforcement agencies nationwide. The School Safety Advocacy Council and its experts, who are current law enforcement or education executives, have extensive experience working with school districts and law enforcement agencies nationwide. Our experience ranges from assisting one of the largest school districts in the nation with their districtwide one to one technology roll out, where we conducted assessments and developed recommendations for policy and procedures for a program to distribute technology to over 600,000 students and staff members in their district, to working on projects to assess and train a single school.

The School Safety Advocacy Council has the experience and knowledge to exceed the requirements of any project. With our proven experience of hosting multiple large national conferences, performing school safety services for the U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice and it’s Centers, and providing assessment, training and consulting services to school districts and law enforcement agencies across the nation, we are the only organization that can bring such a diverse national perspective and expertise to your community or district.

So school safety policy is important to them.

This is what they did:

I fundamentally cannot understand why defending and reelecting disgraced Sheriff Scott Israel is a hill so many people are willing to die on?

Or more specifically, willing to kill their children on?

Is it simply TDS and wanting to oppose Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (who is arguably one of Trump’s favorite governors)?

Because it wasn’t just the Parkland fuckup that got Scott Israel taken down, but his epic fuckup of the Ft. Lauderdale Airport shooting too.  In fact, it was that his department repeated all the same mistakes from FLL in Parkland that was the justification for his removal.  He failed to learn his lessons from the after-action report and make corrections.

But despite a legislative hearing which dumped an entire poultry farm worth of egg on his face, rather than crawl under a rock and give his service weapon a blow job like he should have, he decided to run for reelection, and half of everyone is backing him.

As a father, I can’t imagine TDS being so bad that parents actually say “I want the guy who got at least a dozen people shot at Parland with his shitty policies to be in charge of school safety were my kids go.”

I truly don’t get this.

But you know what, I don’t live in South Florida anymore, and if they reelect Scott Israel and every kid in Broward County is gunned down because he fucked up for the Nth time, I just don’t fucking care.

Apparently the only thing Democrats know how to do when they are in charge of a community is bankrupt it and get their children murdered.


Do you want to see what brass plated internet armchair tough-guy balls look like?

Mouthing off to the parent of a kid killed at Parkland is sure to garner them some respect.


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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “School Safety Advocacy Council destroys its credibility (blood pressure warning) – Update”
  1. Scott “amazing leadership” Israel (that should be his nickname on all news reports about him) is a world class douche. For a self proclaimed “recognized leader in school safety services and training..” to allow themselves to even be in the same room as Mr.”amazing leadership” far less endorse him for election to dog catcher is an insult to all Broward county voter’s intelligence and a slur on the memory of those that died while he was in office. How much money is the leadership of SSAC putting in their pockets from Bloomberg. et. al.? This stinks on ice.

  2. Have they endorsed slow joe for president yet or are they waiting for the party er um him to ‘decide’ who his running mate will be? Asking for a friend…………………….

  3. Is “Amazing Leadership” a euphemism for blackmail? Because i cant see why anyone would still supports this POS.

      1. Remember when Pelosi let the cat out of the bag by saying “a glass of water could get elected there if marked with a D”? That’s what you have at work here.

  4. First axiom of politics at play. The (D) is more important then the individual.

    Besides, there are idiots on twitter that would be OK with getting molested by Joe Hiden if it meant getting a (D) in the white house. Nothing new here.

  5. Mouthing off to the parent of a kid killed at Parkland is sure to garner them some respect.

    Well, sure. Andrew Pollack wandered off the plantation, so to speak.

    Everybody knows that parents whose kids have been killed with guns are supposed to become the Ideal Leftist and push for every firearm restriction in the Democrat platform, up to and including repealing the entire Bill of Rights for gun owners.

    (I mean, you didn’t really think they’d stop at the 2nd Amendment, did you? According to Leftists, gun owners shouldn’t be allowed to congregate or speak in public, or be safe from warrant-less searches, or be allowed jury trials, or be allowed counsel in those trials, or be protected against “double jeopardy” trials or cruel and unusual punishments, or….)

    Andrew Pollack is sticking to his guns, as it were, when it comes to his rights as an American and his rights as a father to NOT have his daughter’s image used as a political prop. For that, he must be ridiculed and publicly shamed. Forever.

    1. Besides which, he’s challenging their credibility with facts, and the BEST they can do is to point a finger and say, “Well, your guy lost! Neener neener!”?

      Someone could just as easily counter, “Hey, didn’t you @$$-clowns support Gillum for governor in 2018? How’d that turn out? Oh, right … drugged out and naked on national TV. Good call!”

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