By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Scott Adams wasn’t entirely wrong”
    1. Worse than that. They demand you be with them even if they are against you.
      Kinda sounds like an abusive relationship.

  1. Scott Adams has been made persona non grata. Try going to It is gone.
    Why? For BS reasons. Oh… he said a racist thing!!! Who cares. Grow up people.
    And, jkb is 1,000% super double correct. If there is a group that does not want me near them, why should I stick around? Honestly, if it is not OK to be white, what should a white man do? Wear blackface? Like that would make it better?
    Nothing but bullying.

  2. So 13% of the population think they are going to kill off the other 87%? Oh, this is going to be fun. Bloody, buy fun.

  3. It used to be that a very small percentage of this thirteen percent demographic believed this level of brainwashing. But now when American people turn on their televisions, and watch the programing and commercials, one is hard pressed to not believe that this same thirteen percent demographic is and always has been, “The Righteous Demographic” of the USA. And all non-black demographics are inferior, morally, culturally, and spiritually. When it comes to the character of the nation as a whole, it’s the black demographic which is at the top of the pyramid—as it always should have been.
    But then, eventually, television viewers turn off their T.V.s and go out of their homes and into reality. And everything the T.V. programing and commercials conveyed to the viewers cannot be found…..anywhere. In fact the total opposite situation of existence literally and figuratively, slams them in their faces. None of what they’ve been led to believe in the comfort of their living rooms, is actually true in reality outside of the home.
    So, somebody must be to blame for this injustice. It should-could be true, because it felt soooo RIGHT when on the living room couch. But it’s not true outside of the home. Depression then sinks in. Life and private personal emotions do not align. In fact, they are diametrically opposed to each other. Reality becomes a negative, and eventually the enemy. A desperate emotion finds an inner voice, “If the world was all black, then and only then would everything be as I feel it should be.”
    The question all Americans must ask is: What percentage of the thirteen percent demographic now believe all non-black individuals have no value in America? And how many believe that a non-valuable person is responsible for their state of depression?
    I am beginning to believe that percentage is far higher than fifty percent. I believe Black Americans are being sinned against by white leftist elites. It’s the cruelest thing I’ve witnessed so far. Blacks are subliminally being influenced to want the extermination of all non-black people. A dumb mid-sixty-year-old working white guy is why I’m not as my television says I should be. What can I do to make things right? How can this demographic not come to this mindset after being bombarded by everything which comes out of their phones…. constantly?

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