I’m old enough to remember when the gays were adamant that they weren’t child molesters.

Now the LGBT/ally activists ate adamant that they are child molesters and it’s homophobic to not let them molest your children.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Screaming the quiet part out lout”
  1. This is a classic case of projectionism. She is projecting her ambition onto her opposition as an act of revenge or the first step in the revenge she would desire to achieve personally. I will argue that she knows she grossly distorted the law she opposes. And will resort to some form of violence, either passive or aggressive, or both, in an attempt to relieve the guilt, she’s never been forced to admit to verbally—never having to be accountable to an authority is a drug more lethal than any other.
    Living in a state of existence where “Accountability” is the only moral sin, is very dangerous. The moral sin she is guilty of is embracing non-heterosexuality while rejecting the one true natural moral state of existence.

  2. Why do 99.99999999999999999% of the population continue to let a tiny percentage continue to dictate to us????? IF a fruitcake messes with your children act accordingly. Take your children out of schools that push this. America start acting like America instead of cowering to liberals.

  3. I enjoy your site very much – it’s on my Daily Read list. I DO wish you’d proofread before posting…
    Screaming the quiet part out loud
    By J.Kb
    I’m old enough to remember when the gays were adamant that they weren’t child molesters.
    Now the LGBT/ally activists are adamant that they are child molesters, and that it’s homophobic to not let them rape your children.

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