Officials: Man Shot by St. Paul Officer Streamed Sex Assault

A man livestreamed his sexual assault of a former girlfriend on social media and threatened to kill her shortly before he was shot and wounded by a St. Paul police officer who was criticized by the city’s police chief for firing at him, according to a criminal complaint.

The complaint filed in Dakota County District Court said Joseph Javonte Washington, 31, forced the woman to drive from her home in Lakeville to St. Paul following the assault on Saturday and caused the vehicle to crash.

Police tracked Washington to a dumpster after he fled on foot. When he climbed out, the Black man was stunned with a taser and attacked by a police dog before being shot by Officer Anthony Dean.

Police Chief Todd Axtell said the suspect was naked and unarmed at the time and shouldn’t have been shot. Axtell said Tuesday he took “swift, decisive and serious action” against the officer, but didn’t release details.

Save a woman from potentially being murdered after a violent sexual assault live streamed by a psycho and get in trouble for it.

The only trouble this guy should get in if for poor marksmanship and be sent to the range for some practice.

I side with Detective Callahan on this one.

Fuck St. Paul.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Screw St. Paul”
  1. Too bad the nice doggie didn’t go for the tender bits, or maybe just tore his throat out. More than likely the pooch would have been able to keep his job.

  2. That “police chief” needs to be fired and permanently disqualified from holding any future office anywhere, of any kind. He clearly is mentally unfit to do anything harder than sweeping floors.

  3. ‘Stunned’. Yeah, my money’s on ‘wasn’t lying down and was attacking the dog’.

    Fun fact: K-9 officers and service members feel pretty damn strongly about their four-legged comrades — even the officers and servicemembers who aren’t directly paired with the pooches.

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