Judge releases man accused of killing dog in Seattle a day after his arrest

Seattle Police arrested a man accused of kicking a dog so hard that she flew through the air and then died. At his first court appearance a day after his arrest, a judge released him on his own recognizance without bail.

According to the Seattle Police Department, a 67-year-old man was walking his dog, a Jack Russell terrier, Saturday afternoon through Courthouse Park in Pioneer Square.

The victim told police he pepper-sprayed the suspect out of fear that the suspect was going to steal his jacket. As the victim was walking away, police say the suspect “ran up behind him and kicked his dog so hard she flew into the air.”

The victim was knocked to the ground and suffered minor injuries. When he went to check on his dog, he found her dead.

Officers said the suspect fled the scene, but they took him into custody Sunday evening less than a block from the crime scene.

The 29-year-old suspect was booked into King County Jail for investigation of first-degree animal cruelty and second-degree attempted robbery.

The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office asked a judge to hold him on $25,000 bail, but the judge released the man on his own recognizance a day after his arrest. He has not been formally charged.

Seattle Police objected to the man’s release, saying his “escalating behavior will continue.”

Prosecutors also asked the judge to find probable cause for felony animal cruelty, but the judge ruled there was probably cause for second-degree animal cruelty, a gross misdemeanor.

So this guy has been arrested before, he’s getting more violent, he killed a dog, and the police want him in jail, but some Progressive judge lets him walk.

He was pepper-sprayed, but that only made him angrier so he killed a man’s dog.

Seattle is a shithole because people like this are not dealt with properly and punished accordingly.

Pepper spray does not guarantee incapacitation.

If you kick my dog I will kill you.  Fact.

This dude should have been ventilated at the first go around, now he is free to attack more people and kill more pets.


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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “Seattle is a sh*thole, this judge is human garbage, pepper spray is no guarantee, and a mugger would not survive doing that to me”
  1. This is infuriating on several levels, and I’m not gonna comment further.

  2. I have a 120 pound all black German Shepherd Dog named Demon. He doesn’t take squat off of anyone. I’m an hour from Seattle. Maybe I should go walkies up there! I’ll leave my pea shooter in it’s holster and just watch…

      1. I learned when he was a bit younger that if he’s coming at you with hurtful intent in the dark, all you see is a crapload of teeth! He was “Ranger” until that incident.

        Like the cars tho, too.

  3. The attacker is a homeless man.


    Why the hell aren’t the kind caring compassionate progresssive idiots in Deep Blue Shitholes doing the right thing? Why aren’t they providing this poor unfortunate with shelter?

    Lock Him UP!

    Maybe at the same time they can get him treatment for any addictions or mental health issues?

    No, Just leave him on the streets, in a life those bleeding hearts would not tolerate for a dog. But he is a man, so somehow that makes it all right?

    1. I don’t know if it’s still true, but in libtard shithole states years ago it was illegal to leave an 18 wheeler running to allow a driver to sleep in comfort. If you had any kind of animal in there, the engine could run forever.

  4. What’s the over-under that the feds pulled a couple strings so he would be released without charges, and thus the FBI or ATF can hire him, train him, and give him a gun to kill dogs more efficiently?

    (That was tongue-in-cheek, but it makes you wonder.)

  5. Watch “Seattle is dying” and the follow on “The Fight for the Soul of Seattle” It explains it perfectly.

    Seattle is Dying
    Fight for the Soul of Seattle

    Yes, the city government and the judiciary are too “progressive” to care about crime. And, the city is suffering because of it. Areas of Seattle that used to be big tourist attractions are now overrun by homeless, crime, and urban decay. A once vibrant city is now a hellhole. And, the shortsighted government is causing it.

    1. Just like Detroit, MI. And Minneapolis, MN. And Chicago, IL. The list goes on and on.

      But THIS time will be different. THIS time they’ll get it right, and “Progressive” utopia will be created here on Earth!

      Uh huh. *headdesk*

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