Via Jacob, the decision can be found here. The decision will be appealed. In the decision they kind of dabble in the history and tradition argument

via Second Circuit Upholds Sullivan Law | Shall Not Be Questioned.


And a bit of history in this link from the NY Post and also the pic below is quite illustrative:

Rhinelander Waldo was the NYPD Commissioner from 1911 (when the Sullivan law was introduced) till 1914 when he was fired by the incoming Mayor.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Second Circuit Upholds Sullivan Law | Shall Not Be Questioned”
  1. So….. if you aren’t allowed to obtain a concealed permit by DEFAULT they MUST allow open carry to be in compliance with “…to keep and BEAR arms….” Not so?!?

  2. […] Miguel takes a look at exactly what the Second Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld. Yes, judges Katzmann, Wesley, and Lynch (Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama, respectively), this is the racist claptrap, that sacred “one-hundred-year-old law” that you tacitly endorsed when you declined to “call into question the state’s traditional authority to extensively regulate handgun possession in public.” You know, slavery and Jim Crow were a tradition in many parts of the country until relatively recently too. Time don’t make right. Related posts (automatically generated): […]

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