What sort of parent sends their child to a gay camp where apparently everything is saturated in sexuality.

Where kids pledge allegiance to the Pride flag.

I’ve been to summer camp.

I can’t imagine a camp where every minute of every day reflects the flamboyant gay caricature of a Pride parade.

Why do I get the feeling every camp activity is gay.  They can’t just go canoeing or rock climbing or play ball.  They have to some how make every activity gender and sexuality affirming.

And Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s husband is a counselor there. 

I’d ask “can we not have a sexual grooming summer camp with a gay and trans theme?”

But I know the answer is no.  The radical Left wants your children.

Also, how long until kids will be forced to recite the “Pride pledge of allegiance” in schools?

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Secretary Pete’s husband is a groomer at a gay camp”
  1. I keep hearing we have heard from lots of kids about this bill. I wonder how many Kindergarten, 1st 2nd and 3rd kids have been calling or emailing. Find that highly unlikely!

  2. I heard the “pledge” on Shapiro’s podcast this afternoon. I still can’t believe it. 😱

  3. Something that really needs to go viral:

    Pete Buttigieg only got the job because of who he sleeps with.

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