Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was given an award by CAIR.

Omar to accept award Saturday as American Muslim Public Servant of 2021

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) will accept an award on Saturday honoring her as the Muslim-American public servant of the year at a virtual gala hosted by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

CAIR, the nation’s largest organization representing Muslims, said in a press release that Omar will be given the award for her activism in the U.S. House of Representatives in light of her recent feud with Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), who made Islamophobic remarks about her fellow congresswoman.

CAIR announced Omar deserved the award for her “commitment to public service and courage in the face of anti-Muslim bigotry from fellow members of Congress.”

“Representative Omar has time and again proven her deep dedication to public service,” said CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad in the statement. “Her work representing the interests not only of her constituents but of the American people as a whole serves as an example to our community and to the nation.”

Here is another executive from CAIR giving a speech.

Something, something about judging a person by the friends they keep…

A sitting Congresswoman accepted an award and adulation from an organization that actively incites hostility against American Jews, calling them the enemy.

But Omar is the victim and Boebert is the bad guy.

This is how much Antisemitism is baked into the American Left.


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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Seems like what Boebert said was right”
  1. Not going to be surprised if Boebert gets expelled from Congress by Pelosi.

    Then when the GOP retakes the house in 2022 they will….do absolutely nothing in retaliation.

    1. Pelosi can’t do that; it takes a 2/3 vote of the membership. And while the Dems might vote in a bloc for that, I would not expect half the republicans to go along.

  2. This is how they advance….they move to nations where they take advantage of their hosts’ liberal knee jerk over-accommodating tolerance. Anything that is said or implied about them is denounced, and then they enjoy the cover of the liberal leftist establishment. Rinse, repeat, advance.

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