From Senator Durbin’s Twitter:

That’s right.  Rapists, sex offenders, murderers, drug traffickers, thieves, they are our nation’s most vulnerable people.

Not the women and children who were sexually violated.  Not the people who had their property stolen.  Not the dead victims and their families left to pick up the pieces.  Not those who overdosed.

No, they are not the most vulnerable. The people who did that to them are the most vulnerable.

This is peak “every criminal is really a victim of our racist and unfair system” and I can’t deal with it anymore.

Remember this?

Sorry if I believe that the woman in green getting punched and her daughter watching it happen are more vulnerable than the piece of shit beating her.

I’m fine with throwing that pile of garbage in a cell and locking the door.

And if he resisted arrest and the cops shot him or crushed the life out of him I just don’t fucking care.

God forbid this happen to my family or yours.  It’s good to know that the Democrats will protect the man that beats your wife in front of your child more than they protect your wife and child.


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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Senator Dick Durbin goes off the rails with this pander”
  1. You’re making an assumption here.

    Mainly, that Durbin was ever on the rails to begin with.

  2. What a crock. These politikos are all the political pandering until it causes THEM to experience the fallout of their stupidity.

    Most recent example…

    “Protestors in Olympia, Washington had the support of the mayor — then when they vandalized her home they became ‘Domestic Terrorists’”

  3. So, let’s take this attitude to it’s logical conclusion. See what happens.

    One of the most vulnerable among us breaks into my home, beats my wife, steals my stuff. Because of their elevated (protected against prosecution due to their victimhood) status in society, I know pursuing justice through the court system will not bear any fruit.

    So, I choose instead to find this person, and when they are least expecting it, break into their home, steal their (mine actually) stuff, and possibly give them the beat down they so richly deserve.

    I am sure that Senator Dick would be extremely upset to see my charged, convicted, and imprisoned. He would certainly fight tooth and nail to protect me against the injustices inherent in the system. Right?

    So, vigilantism is OK in Dick’s world. Got it.

  4. “That door is locked, for YOUR protection”.

    Should you administer a “beat down”, our criminal neighbor will certainly NOT return with friends, later?

    Permanence is A Thing.

  5. Little Dickie Durbin is a lying pandering POS. He has never done anything for illinois, just like all other Illinois politicans

    1. The Machine doesn’t care about the people of Illinois, except that they vote and know how to vote Or Else.

      1. Maybe not even that much, given the well known contribution from the dead vote in that state.

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