A man was shot at a protest aimed at toppling a conquistador statue in Albuquerque, New Mexico on Monday amid clashes between demonstrators and an armed militia group, reports said.

One person, who is believed to be the gunshot victim, was taken to the hospital in critical condition after the gunman opened fire on a group of demonstrators attempting to remove a statue of Spanish conquerer Juan de Oñate, according to NBC News.

The shooting took place as a group of six heavily-armed members of a militia group called the New Mexico Civil Guard began to clash with protesters, the Albuquerque Journal reported.

Man shot as protesters clash with ‘vigilantes’ in New Mexico

And then we have this.

“Although we are still learning more about the situation, I am horrified and disgusted beyond words by the reports of violence at a protest Monday night in Albuquerque,” [Governor -D] Lujan Grisham said late Monday in a statement. “The heavily armed individuals who flaunted themselves at the protest, calling themselves a ‘civil guard,’ were there for one reason: To menace protesters, to present an unsanctioned show of unregulated force. To menace the people of New Mexico with weaponry — with an implicit threat of violence — is on its face unacceptable; that violence did indeed occur is unspeakable.”

“Mayor Tim Keller [D] reacted swiftly following the shooting, tweeting that the city would be “removing the statue until the appropriate civic institutions can determine next steps” in order to contain the public safety risk.
The shooting tonight was a tragic, outrageous and unacceptable act of violence and it has no place in our city,” the mayor wrote in a statement. “Our diverse community will not be deterred by acts meant to divide or silence us. Our hearts go out the victim, his family and witnesses whose lives were needlessly threatened tonight.”

‘Horrified and disgusted beyond words’

So if you just take what the media and the politicians said, a gang of heavily armed Militia guys shot without provocation at a group of people “peacefully” demonstrating against a racist that has been dead for centuries.

And then, there are the facts captured in a video.

(IANAL warning)
He was attacked by a deadly weapon (skateboard to the head) he decided to withdraw, walk away, to retreat, as we are told so many time. But he was chased, attacked, pushed/knocked to the ground by three individuals (disparity of force) and being told he was going to be killed. Only then he used his sidearm in self-defense.

But he is the disgusting party in this event.

I imagine Andrew Branca may have something to say in his website later on the week. In my amateur opinion, this is a clear case of self-defense being twisted to be used to impose more gun control regulations buy elected Democrats.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Setting a narrative for a lynching.”
  1. Even running with the narrative is horrible, because it implies that you *have* to let protestors tear down historical monuments.

    None of this will end well.

  2. In my home town skateboards were the weapon of choice for punks as they could carry them anywhere, including inside schools, and they would use them freely.

    I’ve had a serious concussion from one and gotten pretty busted up from them in other disagreements they’re not a joke. Especially since they always seemed to aim for the head and face yet anyone who has never taken one across the skull thinks its like being hit with a pool noodle for some reason.

    They’re right there with bats and brass knuckles in my threat index.

    When someone says they’re going to kill you the wise person will believe them. When the mob brays it while chasing you I don’t know how any sane person could disagree with any defense up to and including driving into them with a grain thresher.

  3. Grisham wants to be Biden’s VP pick. She’s posturing as hard as she can to the radical side of her party in order to prove her credentials.
    This is the same power hungry tyrant that temporarily placed an entire town under armed siege, because the residents refused to wear masks or “socially distance” themselves. (See Gallup, NM)
    She, along with her toadies, forced a red flag law and “universal background check” law on the state, which was promptly rejected by nearly every sheriff and county commission as unenforceable and in violation of state and federal constitutions.
    She has worked to shut down what little industry exists in the state in favor of eco- worshipping “green” initiatives.
    She is possibly the only person in the state capable of simultaneously making Susanna Martinez look competent and Bill Richardson look honest.
    Should she fail to secure the veep nomination, her only hope of re-election in the state is massive voter fraud in the cities (which may be how she got into office in the first place.
    She is an incompetent and corrupt disaster.

    1. She also used her privilege (in the real political power sense) to buy jewelry from a store that was allowed to open just to cater to her.

      Somehow, though, her fellow Dems don’t seem inclined to call her on this.

      Let’s also not forget the secretary of state who refused to allow recall petitions for that red flag law.

  4. One of my scary leftist Facebook friends shared some girl’s video of the event. You couldn’t see the shooting, but there was also an antifa guy by the statue with an AK. He was saying it was a peaceful protest. Lol

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