Let that sink in.

This is a prosecutor, an officer of the court, sworn to uphold the law of the State of Wisconsin,  downplaying a man in the middle of a riot creating barricades and roadblocks to stop police vehicles (Bearcats) and setting them on fire.

No wonder Kyle felt compelled to do what he did, the county ADA clearly puts hindering police and arson tantamount to saying bad words.

I honestly can’t imagine this saw well with the jury.

What a piece of shit this guy is.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Setting roadblocks against the police and lighting them on fire isn’t a big deal”
  1. I thoughr people saying Antifa is the Democrat Regime’s Brownshirts was tin foil talk. Now we know the FBI is not even tracking them, and the Blue City Democrat Proscutors mostly refuse to investigate or prosecute them. The Antifa Leadership should be prosecuted for inciting riots and conspiracy to, at a minimum.

    (it would be very easy to penetrate and investigate Antifa. It seems four out of four Antifa are criminals, mentally ill, and/or drug addicts. The FBI, BATFE, or any number of State and big city police forces should be able to recruit hundreds of “Confidential Informants” in Antifa.)

    When Kyle is acquitted, will Antifa throw a temper tantrum and riot? If so, will it be only in Kenosha, or in the usual cities, or will they go big and riot nationwide? Note that when the officer that shot Jacob Blake was not charged by Kenosha County, nor by the Feds, BLM stayed home or stayed peaceful. BLM will not riot over an acquittal.

  2. Binger’s plan isn’t to win any more. It’s to make himself famous enough to set his career for life. He’s trying to score points with the left so he can run for some political seat and be a big man.
    Might as well go out in a blaze of flaming turds.

  3. The incompetence shown buy the prosecuting attorneys is deliberate.
    They want Kyle to be found in ocent by either the jury or a directed verdict by the judge.
    In either case the riots will happen and this is really what the left is going for.
    It remains to be seen how law enforcement will be allowed/directed to react.

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