Washington (AFP) – Journalists have always faced up to facts, but a new wave of fact-checking journalism has gained prominence in the past decade to counter misleading or outrageous claims of political figures.
Notable among these are FactCheck.org, and PolitiFact, which won a Pulitzer Prize in 2009.
Following the notoriety in the United States, similar fact-checking news organizations have sprung up on every continent, gaining attention in places ranging from Egypt to Australia, Chile and France, according to a Duke University study.
Fact-checking journalism gains momentum

I might be a bit jaded, but I don’t see the excitement about a group of journalists checking what some politicians say. I know that in Journalism school they are supposed to teach that the facts are important, but it is usually accompanied by a wink of the eye since very few journalists ever bother with facts as they get in the way of a good story. And nowadays, the difference between a politician and a journalist is that one gets elected and the other is hired.

Al Gore’s child (A.K.A. The internet) is pretty good doing the fact-checking on both journalists and politicians. It is my belief that the Goremeister wishes he could have strangled that baby with its umbilical cord more than once by now.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Setting the Fox to guard the Henhouse.”
  1. All too often the fact checkers are in turn fact checked and found to be either misleading, or flat out lying, to give cover to one side(dem) over the other. I see it as nothing more than the same old same old. If they were actually reporting on, instead of campaigning for, the dems fact checking would be redundant.

    1. For example, Politifact is TRANSPARENTLY Liberal-biased, giving Republican politicians a “pants on fire” rating and Liberal politicians a “mostly true” rating for saying effectively the same thing.

      Also they did a 180 on Obamacare when it went live and every comment by Conservative pundits for the previous 5 years was shown to be 100% accurate.

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