For the readers of this blog, this is nothing new. Since BLM started, Moms Demand has attached itself to it and hast taken the Anti Cop stance firmly, mostly because Shannon’s attempts to advance politically. Once she was in what seemed a climbing path and suddenly she petered out of flavor from the Democrat electoral machine.  My suspicion is that she is too white, to Middle America looking and with Monsanto corporate skeletons in her closet and the new flavor was Young non-white Socialists.

But with the advent of Black Lives Matter, she thought it would once again a path for her political relevance. Who does not get camera time accusing the cops of being violent assholes in this climate?

Eight years ago, Shannon Watts responded to a crisis—the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School—by founding the Moms Demand Action movement against gun violence.

Now, her movement counts several hundred thousand members as it responds to the United States’ two most pressing crises: the coronavirus and the fight for racial justice. Gun safety is at the center of both those battles, particularly activism against police brutality. “Police violence is gun violence,” says Watts

Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts: ‘Police violence is gun violence

Wait, does she know George Floyd was allegedly choked to death with a knee across his throat? Are knees the new “assault weapons”?

We know that the gun lobby exploits tragedy and national disaster to juice gun sales. We’ve seen them do this all the way back to Hurricane Katrina. Of course, they did it again when the coronavirus crisis hit. We’ve seen a historic number of gun sales over the spring—at least twice as many as were sold in the same time period as last year. We’re also seeing an increase in domestic gun violence, in unintentional shootings, in gun suicides. The reverberations of the gun lobby’s actions will be with us for months and years after the COVID crisis is over.

I am still trying to figure out why is Katrina brought as example of fearmongering: it was a total screw up by the local government and LEOs (who remembers NOLA cops looting themselves?), there was plenty of criminal violence and there was a reason why the Military was called to quiet the damn city.  Oh yes, and the fact that they were confiscating guns left and right leaving people at the mercy of the criminals that did not have problem keeping their guns. Once again, I redirect the new readers to The Great New Orleans Gun Grab so they can learn about what happened on the ground that was not covered much by CNN and the Weather Channel.

If you look at the NRA’s Twitter feeds and materials they put out, they have a variety of marketing tools they use where they talk about natural disasters and chaos and how the only thing that will protect you is a gun.  It’s very much: the government, the police—they can’t and won’t protect you and you can only protect yourself.

And are we lying? If so, explain the rise in violent crime across cities where they have bought the BLM Kool-Aid.

There’s a lot of messaging around the need, particularly, to protect yourself from looters. The conversations we’ve been having as a country over the last few months—not just COVID but also police brutality—the NRA has perverted it and made it feed into their narrative that every American needs a gun to protect themselves.

Here is where she starts to have troubles speaking from both sides of the mouth and making sense at the same time: The NRA is wrong in saying you are alone but police is brutal.

Every country is experiencing the coronavirus crisis. In the midst of it, only America is giving civilians easy access to arsenals and ammunition.

You say that like it is a bad thing.

We know that women are isolated with their abusers. We believe there’s a 20% increase in calls to domestic violence hotlines. We expect to see an increase in domestic gun violence.

And of course, if it happens, she will not be able to say that it was directly related to the mass gun purchase we have seen recently.  But it looks good to associate new stork nests with births. This next paragraph is of the essence.

Police violence is gun violence and that’s why our movement must be responsive as well. We’re partnering with leaders and organizations who are experts against policing. We’re committed to working with them to address white supremacy and racism at its roots. We are seeing an appetite among lawmakers to push through anti-police brutality legislation.

The official position of Moms Demand: Less or no cops and disarmed citizens. I am gonna screencap this one before it gets memory-holed.

In Shannon’s mind and unfortunately many of the White Liberal apparatus, the consequences of both Gun Control and Police Defunding can be controlled thus they need to be achieved. An out-of-control violent crime is a valid political tool. Ask the  Venezuelan government how successful has it been in making sure the citizens behave. What curfew by dawn? You got it! No cops at night make for criminals roaming freely and people running inside their homes praying they don’t get killed.

The next step to be taken by the Democrats will be (write this down) to criminalize Self-Defense. They won’t be able to do it all the way, but it will become so restricted in tis application, legally would be the equivalent of not having anything. The elimination of Stand Your Ground has never left their radars and I think Castle Doctrine is next. What better way to keep you under control that the fear that you are not even safe in the sacred four walls of your home?

Not a bug, but a feature.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Shannon Watts says: ‘Police violence is gun violence’”
  1. I’m impressed. I’ve never seen someone talk out of both sides of their mouth AND their ass all at the same time. Watts is truly talented in slinging the malarkey.

  2. It’s funny- the whole “defund the police” thing has utterly killed gun control.
    They may work to ban self defense, but without cops, who’s going to investigate any defensive shootings? The unarmed social workers sent may find themselves incentivized to become blind, if they really know what’s good for them. The few with guns will be needed to protect the ‘good’ neighborhoods.

    Normal citizens may also get good at the old ‘shoot, shovel, shut up’- if they don’t just return to the classic ‘string them up as a warning’.

  3. My disgust for Shannon Watts, the lying gun control attention whore is vast.

    I am convinced that such utopian, pacifist, disarmament morons will reverse course 180 degrees if they ever suffer a violent criminal attack. Coupled with their hypocrisy for having private security at events, it is hard to take them seriously.

    Finally, since she is all concerned about her whiteness, perhaps she should go kneel in front of BLM, or pay them reparations, or something equally stupid.

    Like every other white person alive, I have nothing to be ashamed of, and zero culpability for the distant sin of slavery. The American Civil War paid for it with time, treasure, blood, sweat, and tears. I owe nothing to anyone and vice versa.

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