I was sent this:

shannon watts Duke BBallMike Krzyzewski, basketball coach of Duke University took the team to his Alma Mater: West Point Academy. There the Duke players were shown the grounds and even the range where the Plebes train with simulated firearms and got a chance to shoot the equivalent of adult cap guns.

Shannon’s Tweet is so full of fail, it is a masterpiece. The Plastic Gardener has regaled us with a bouquet of bigotry and idiocy that has no parallel in Gun Control history. So why is Shannon Watts losing her mind? No idea, we can only guess.

1) Ignorance: She cannot tell the difference between a simulated gun and a real one. The students are holding things that look like UBRs (Ugly Black Rifles) and that is enough to send out an alarm.
2) Hatred against the Military: It is West Point, The House that Prepares Nice Young Men into Baby Killers. You know the rest of the Ultra Liberal Narrative.3) Racism: ZOMG! NEGROES WITH GUNS! Remember, they were at the MLK memorial telling black folks not to get guns…just like the KKK.
4) Idiocy: Well, it does not need an explanation, does it?

Yes, Shannon and their ilk are like that. A bunch of idiotic and hateful racist ignorants that swear they know more than everybody else and therefore you should surrender to the superior intellect.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Shannon Watts: Sowing the seeds of intolerance.”
  1. Does anyone have the heart to tell Shannon that if they’re old enough to go to Duke, they’re old enough to serve in the US military and pull the trigger on all sorts of weaponry in defense of our country?

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