By now most of the readers of this blog have seen this horrible video:
The attacker was unarmed, right? Then having a gun would have made things worse and made it unfair for the unarmed attacker, right?
But her attack does not count since there was no gun involved. Her suffering is less because there were no bullets flying. Hell, I am a bigger threat to her 1,200 miles away because I own a gun. That is what the idiots supporting Gun Control believe. That is what the Yankee Vulture Bus Tour is trying to sell to those who have never felt not seen up close what real violence feels like.
If you have a loved one, this is what Nanny Bloomberg (Evil Dwarf) will like you to be. That is what people like Japete or Josh Sugarman or Ladd Everitt or Colin Goddard expect us to become.
And that is why we fight. That is why we give them the middle finger and make calls and send emails and faxes and phone calls and raise our voices. Violence is not subcategorized on politically convenient parcels that can be used or ignored at the whim of a politician aiming at a seat somewhere. And in a sense, they are as diabolical as the monster on the video as both use violence to achieve their ignoble purposes: one by inflicting it and the other by using it as a banner in his or her campaign.
Since this happened in New Jerkski, there is no chance in hell that she will be able to get a gun in case it happens again. This is what the gun haters want for all of us, to be unarmed sheep.
The attempt to enact “Safe Storage” laws and regulations makes victims of us all.
Obviously this video is racist because the bad guy is a large black man. He was clearly the victim here.
End sarcasm: I hope that guy tries to break into the home of an NRA member next and becomes a footnote in the obituary column. I’m glad they managed to catch it on film, and I hope more victims of this kind of attack come forward in support of the right to self-defense.
This is the reality of being defenseless. It’s ugly, but evil exists and we must take steps against it.
I don’t really care if “Japete or Josh Sugarman or Ladd Everitt or Colin Goddard” choose to be without firearms themselves, but they have zero moral authority to dictate to me to be likewise constrained or to subvert the Constitution’s clear acknowledgement of my RKBA in the Second Amendment.
Anyone who calls for me to be disarmed is my enemy. Friends don’t choose to make you a victim.
Didn’t you get the memo? Joan Peterson (aka Japete), Josh Sugarmann, Ladd Everitt, Colin Goddard, Jason Kilgore (aka Baldr Odinson), et al, are “victims”, which gives them ABSOLUTE moral authority to dictate your way of life. They choose to be without firearms*, so the only moral option you have is to also be without firearms. And you’re racist to believe otherwise.
Srsly, though. “Anyone who calls for me to be disarmed is my enemy. Friends don’t choose to make you a victim.” This. This to the power of 1000.
Also: “No one with good intentions wants to disarm other people; only those who know their actions will be resisted want to render people unable to resist.” – Rob Crawford
Oh, yeah, the asterisk….
* – Joan Peterson’s husband is a hunter who owns guns and keeps them in their house, yet she’ll deny you the right to own the guns you choose to own. “Rules for thee, not for me”, much?
Well, I’d rather be called a “racist” than be dead because I agreed to be disarmed. Seriously, charges of racism elicit laughs from me. They now bounce off me without a second thought. Democrats/Progressives have played the race card far too many times.
You’re right though, Archer, they really believe their stance is morally superior. I would be happy to disabuse anyone of the notion that total pacifism is moral…it is not. It allows evil to flourish or transfers the ugly responsibility of destroying it to other good men; a very cowardly act.
Good people with guns destroyed Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and fascist Italy and continue to protect us from enemies here and abroad, right down to the local LEO level.
Agreed. The “race card” was once the sledgehammer they’d use to pound their ideological opponents into submission, but it’s been overused so many times it now carries all the political clout of a wet noodle.
I was mostly pacifistic in my younger years. “If you think something’s worth FIGHTING/HURTING someone for, it’s not worth as much as you think” sounds deep and profound to a teenager. Then I started noticing that evil happens even to the most innocent among us, and it doesn’t ever stop until someone actively stops it, and that sometimes requires defensive violence – occasionally even armed defensive violence.
Transferring the responsibility of meting out that defensive violence to someone else is not a moral undertaking; that “someone else” will be assuming all the risk, while you enjoy all the gain.
Come to think of it, when stated that way, it’s truly a “Progressive” value if there ever was one.
She should have just fought him like a Real Man™, oh wait…
Just how in the hell can you blame that poor black man? After all, he’s been deprived of everything all of his life, having to fight seven other welfare kids for scraps of food and clothing while his mother smokes and drinks on the couch all day waiting to poot out another welfare kid for more tax dollars, no father figure to look up to except maybe to aspire to be a convict.
I think ALL useless people like him no matter what color should be drafted and sent to replace our troops in all the sand boxes in the world.
I bet he didn’t even get to rob someone for their Lebron James sneakers. I so feel for him. He should come to my house for a nice, warm OO buckshot welcome.
Sounds like they found the SOB