This is from Elle magazine.  Yes, a fashion magazine because everything is political now.

Portland Protester ‘Naked Athena’ On Why She Stripped Down

“Jen” didn’t plan to get naked. She just did.

After a long day of protesting in Portland, Oregon—where federal officers have been dispatched to crack down on Black Lives Matter demonstrations—the sex-worker stripped down and positioned herself on the pavement facing a line of police.

An Oregonian staff photographer snapped a shot of the performative activist, who quickly went viral on Twitter as the “Naked Athena,” after the goddess of war.

This is the famous picture:


I want to point out something from the first paragraph.  This woman is a sex worker.  That term is very broad, she could be a stripper or she could be a prostitute.  They don’t make it any clearer.

Also, again, why in the fuck does the Left celebrate sex workers?  Why are they the next frontier of activism?

“There was a very deep feminine place in myself that felt provoked,” she said. “I’m notoriously naked. I just have been that way for several years now and there’s not anywhere that you can’t find me naked… I’m a sex worker and my nakedness is political. It’s my expression.”

This is not political.  This is perversion.  If that is too strong a word, fine, it is a paraphilia.  She is an exhibitionist.  She enjoys showing off her naked body.

“It’s a co-opted stance and it’s not earned,” she said. “This fury arose in me… I said, ‘I want to be naked. I want to confront them.'”

She got mad so wanted to get naked.  That is a compulsive sexual paraphilia: Exhibitionistic Disorder.

One Portland policeman shot her in the foot with rubber balls, she said, so she sat down and lifted her leg in the air to show him the blood. Then she got up and lifted her leg again. Her message, she says, was: “I can still stand tall.”

Jen sat back back down on the pavement and spread her legs wide, resting her hands on her shins. She was not, as several news outlets reported, doing yoga. “It was more like ‘Shoot this, look at this!'” she says.

Yup, paraphilia.  She surrounded by tear gas, shot in the foot, bleeding, and all she wants to do is show her lady parts to the police.

That is not normal human behavior.  This is not Tank Man at Tiananmen Square.  She is clearly getting a kick out of spreading her legs and showing her more intimates to armed federal LEOs.

Her naked confrontation has been heralded as heroic and criticized as a distraction from the Black Lives Matter movement. Novelist Mitchell S. Jackson wrote in a New York Times op-ed that “no matter her intentions, for a moment at least, she might’ve upstaged the movement, and not in a way I could discern as connected to its stated objectives.”

“Their concerns,” Jen said on Unrefined Sophisticates, “are absolutely valid, 100 percent.”

So she admits it really had nothing to do with black lives or any of the other stated grievances of the protesters.

She just wanted to show off her bits on the street in front of law enforcement, the media, and whoever else was watching.

This is an unedited (you’ve been warned) recording of some of her antics.  The text of the Tweet is related to something else.

She’s not making a bold statement.

You can tell that she is enjoying the attention.  She is relishing in it.

The dufus there pretending to be her bodyguard is clearly there for a close-in view and perhaps to white knight enough to earn a roll in the hay.

She didn’t need a bodyguard because every LEO wasn’t going to shoot the naked chick because each one knew that if they did, the media would destroy their life for being a sadistic misogynist that likes to abuse naked women.

The Left has elevated this woman into being some sort of warrior, using her nudity as a weapon against oppression or some shit like that.

Reality is that she’s just a woman with a sexual fetish for exhibitionism who had a platform to show off her crotch to a bunch of LEOs and fawning media.

I just want to point out the double standard here.  If it were a man who enjoys flashing his junk at people, who waggled his dick to a bunch of feds, he’d be in jail with his name on a list.

Also, some feds would have had no problem giving his meat-and-two-vedge a little seasoning with a pepper ball.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “She’s not an icon, she’s just a pervert (nudity warning)”
  1. “Athena, Goddess of War” I Missed that one when I studied Greek Mythology in school. Was that in the chapter where Ares was the god of cooking?

  2. Choice of Greek mythology here is interesting. Athena was the goddess of war that represented tactics and strategy. I suppose getting nekkid is such, means the cops won’t do anything to her for fear of reprisal.
    Eventually though, she’ll meet an Ares, who might also be naked (he was always depicted as such), and he will care nothing about beating her into paste.

    Choose your mythology carefully.

    1. Wasnt it Rodney Carrington who said when someone wanted to fight him he would take his pants off?

  3. She didn’t need a bodyguard because every LEO wasn’t going to shoot the naked chick because each one knew that if they did, the media would destroy their life for being a sadistic misogynist that likes to abuse naked women.

    I have a different view. I think they would have shot her if she was threatening, but she was a distraction. Look behind the naked woman to see if someone is using the cover to setup a belt fed weapon, or a bomb.

    The one thing about being naked is she sure isn’t concealing anything.

    But if someone is saying, “look at me” in the middle of a riot, it’s good to ask “what don’t you want me to look at instead?”

  4. Simpler than all that, if you ask me.

    When you have the reasoning ability of a five year old, you think that being shocking is the same thing as being clever. And “Athena’s” own words support that very position. She got angry, so decided to shock the police. (Paraphrased).

    Spankings are well overdue.

  5. “I’m a sex worker and my nakedness is political.”

    All I needed to know. :::indiferent shrug:::

  6. My wife made an interesting comment: Let’s see that with a fat black woman instead.
    All the hooplah would just go away. It only worked because she WAS young, white and attractive.

  7. I don’t think it was so much a paraphilia, rather she was just attention seeking. You see all these idiots in these mobs clearly playing some part, making heroic poses, walking down the street looking tough, or otherwise doing whatever they can to stand out, knowing that the cameras are on them all. They all secretly (or not so secretly) in the back of their minds hope their photo will be on the front page, even become an “iconic photo” like some of them from the 60s (when the mobs were doing much the same thing). It’s pure rope playing, attention seeking. In this case the whore figured she took her clothes off all the time for other people, why not now? Maybe it will help her career She can go from being a 2 bit porn star and part time hooker to being a big league porn star, or maybe even a model or actress. I’m sure she’s thrilled over the success of her plot, all the media fawning over her, just as tickled as the 19 year old dropout who gets his photo printed on the front page of the NYT striding down the street in his badass black uniform and helmet, googles, mask, club, shield, “MEDIC” painted on his back (for those who prefer the part of the “heroic combat medic saving lives from the murderous fascist thugs), or the woman who carefull stands on top of a smashed car, very “unselfconsciously” raising her fist, giving the line of riot police a grim, heroic, determined expression, framed by the burning buildings in the background….of course just happening to be in front of one of the press photographers or cameramen. Totally spontaneous, just expressing her heartfelt emotions, without regard to those who might be watching her. Sure. Gotcha.
    It’s human nature. I suppose there are people on the right who do this as well, but they can be sure that the only photos of them that will make it to the papers are those that make them look violent, dangerous, stupid, or some combination thereof.

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