By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “ShotSpotter’s day are counted because… it is racist.”
  1. Pattern repeats.
    Police are racist murderers and they will kill a man simply because they are black! We MUST have body cams.
    Turns out the body cameras helped the DAs to convict, so suddenly, body cameras are racist.
    No different here.

  2. It’s really interesting when the conflicts between various viewpoints held concurrently, become too large to ignore. CMMTTek points out one above. This is another – guns are bad, so scammy “do-something” “fixes” like ShotSpotter are good; but ShotSpotter says too many shooting are happening in minority communities so it must be racist.

  3. It’s nuts. Does anyone know WHY ShotSpotter mics are placed in urban ghetto neighborhoods? It has nothing to do with the color of the residents’ skin. It’s because that’s where the shootings are.
    But if it will make them feel better, go ahead and deploy ShotSpotter mics across all the downtowns and into the suburbs. It won’t change where the shootings are.
    (Yes, I’m aware that as a technological concept, ShotSpotter is questionable at best, and failed at worst. The echos from urban buildings often result in imprecise findings, and the “false positives” from backfiring cars and construction noise are well-documented, as are “false negatives” in which the acoustic analysis classifies actual gunfire as a backfiring car or construction noise. The pinata claim, though … that’s a new one, and probably made up; no kid can hit a pinata hard enough to mimic the sound of gunfire.)
    It is amusing that something that Democrats swore up and down was “necessary technology” is suddenly “racist” and must be taken down and cancelled — all because the results are exactly as we told them they would be.
    I’m gonna make some more popcorn. 😀

    1. “It has nothing to do with the color of the residents’ skin. It’s because that’s where the shootings are.”
      Yes, but you can’t say that. If you follow that thread, see, it will lead you to a discussion of why the shootings are concentrated there; you eventually land at culture (and contributing factors like the welfare system and what that does to self-worth and the family) and we’re not allowed to criticize that.

      1. Agreed, which is why I offered the alternative: Deploy ShotSpotter mics across all the downtown areas AND out into the suburbs. Make sure the “middle-class” (which to Rep. Pressley is a euphemism for “white”) neighborhoods are monitored, too. Hell, they can put up twice as many out there if they want! The fact the mics in the suburbs record next to nothing is not their fault; they put the mics up as requested by the cities.
        That should remove any reasonable cause to accuse them of racism (which you and I both know never existed, but now there’d be evidence). At that point, they’re just reporting where shootings are, not concentrating resources on inner-city (in Rep. Pressley’s mind, “black and brown”) neighborhoods.
        Or just take the whole system down, let the inner-city gangs shoot each other to their hearts’ content, and rely on reports that never come from witnesses who are too scared to make them. Because that’s the better option. [/sarcasm] *smh*

        1. Archer, that’s a sensible proposal but it would not fix Rep. Pressley. Her issue isn’t that ShotSpotters are selectively deployed but rather that they expose a difference in violence levels between different places. That is something that must not be talked about.

          1. I agree it won’t “fix” Rep. Pressley; the only thing that can fix Rep. Pressley is … Rep. Pressley. So it will never happen.
            What I’m saying is that it exposes to rational, sensible people (if there are any left in her district) that by refusing to address a real problem because doing so is “racist”, she clearly has no interest in fixing it.
            Reasonably people recognize, the first step in fixing a problem is to acknowledge that you have a problem. (Which is why Rep. Pressley can’t be “fixed”.)
            Rep. Pressley won’t acknowledge that her district has a problem — she’s far too busy blaming everyone else and branding as “racist” anyone who so much as mentions it — so she’ll be no help in fixing it.

  4. BTW, Rep. Pressley is not widely known outside New England, but she’s an AOC sidekick (“squad” member) and has no more detectable brains that Sandy Cortez does.

    1. Her brain is stuttering because it is too cold. Broad needs to grow some hair and insulate that poor thing so it can warm up and start working.

      1. Well, I’m sure she would like to, but in fact her bald head is the result of some medical condition, not a choice. When you see her with hair (which happens at times) it’s a wig.

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