I figure it is time to do a Fire Extinguisher P.A.S.S. reminder.

You do have fire extinguishers at home, right?  Home Depot has some nice prices starting at $15 a piece if you go with doubles.

And smoke alarms? If you don’t have them or have very old ones, go ahead and get the new ones with carbon monoxide detection, specially if you may run a generator because of power losses due to natural (and non-natural) causes. Do learn where to place them.

UPDATE:  One thing I forgot to mention. There is a good chance that you will use the extinguisher not to stop a house fire but to provide you with a way to extricate yourself from it and escape a safe place. The Fire Department does not send a guy in a scooter with a commercial fire extinguisher but a couple of trucks with hoses, pumps and several firefighters.  In gun terms: you get home and see the door kicked in, you do not go ninja and do a house clearing with your baby Glock, you call the cops so they come in numbers with rifles and ballistic shields. Same principle, get away from danger.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Since the Left likes to burn stuff (you included).. UPDATE.”
  1. One for the car is a good idea, if the fire extinguisher is rated for storage at high temperatures. In the Southwest, for instance, a “don’t store above 120 F” extinguisher should not be left in a car in the summer….

    … and was really irritating to see on the label of a car fire extinguisher post-purchase. :-/

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