50K visits the day before yesterday and 79.5K visits at time of posting today.

The post about the future bill to deal with rioters is getting all the attention while other posts are getting the usual amount of traffic, And I am going to opine that the reason is not because I am cute or popular or even know how to write pretty. The reason is simple: People are sick of protests and somehow the post reflected what they were feeling and they shared their frustration among their friends with links to the post. It became a lightning rod.

Look again at the screen cap: That is over 400,000 pissed off people who agreed on a set of measures aimed at the stupid dancing the Democrats have been supporting for the past months,

And last night, Louisville ended with 2 shot cops and Portland had another episode of old school Antifa, with Molotov cocktail and everything.  I haven’t even checked in Atlanta, NYC or DC where protests were also happening, but amazingly no Wuhan V. transmission, a mystery for modern science.

Remember you are this pissed when it comes time to vote.  You can vote to end this rioting or you can vote for those who actively or tacitly approve of Arson, Looting and Murder.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Site’s traffic gone stupid and there is a reason for that.”
  1. I just noticed that some of the comments on the DeSantis post have over 100 “likes”, and one of them well over 200. I don’t think I’ve seen more than 10 or so in the past.
    That’s interesting. It means the traffic isn’t a DDoS attempt, it’s real people reading, in detail, what’s said here and expressing their reactions to it.

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