“From the river to the sea” is a call for the total annihilation of the State of Israel and all the Jews that live there.

Of course we knew that Tlaib was a Jew-hater.  The silence from fellow Democrats condemning this is deafening.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Sitting Congresswoman re-Tweets call for Jewish genocide”
  1. The democrats are going to have to spare some of the 6,000 nuclear weapons they’re going to use to kill everyone in America that opposes them when they mandate the extermination of literally every single United States citizen that voted for Trump, is a registered Republican, has white skin, owns a gun, does not think exactly like the far left as well as every single United States citizen that opposes killing hundreds of millions of fellow American citizens to kill all the Jews in Israel. After all if the democrats use the nuclear arsenal to exterminate all the Jews in Israel as well as in the United States the UN won’t condemn the extermination of over 330 United States citizens because some of the were Jewish and the UN wants the extermination of the Jews on a global scale and also desire the complete and total extermination of every single United States citizen that voted for Trump, is it registered Republican, owns a gun, or opposes the UN. It all evens out.

    And the sad thing is but what I just said is that I was actually trying being sarcastic in my insane hyperbole this time. But I’m probably closer to the truth and I would hope.

  2. I would call her a POS, but that would be demeaning to actual fecal material which does, in fact, serve a purpose in human physiology. Talib, not so much.

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