Since January, the Houston Police Department says out of the tens of thousands of calls a month, only 62 were weapon related.And out of those, only 19 were actual open-carry situations.

Source: Six months in, the effects of open carry in Texas |

But… but we were told it was going to be mayhem, blood on the streets by Open Carry people! Black Church Choirs mowed down by racist Rednecks carrying their six-shooters on the open! Quinceañera parties destroyed by NRA members totting assault weapons!

Do you think that Moms demand, Everytown and the rest of the Anti Gun groups and their faithful politicians were lying to us?

/end sarcasm.

And the report says 19 open carry situation but does not specify if they was a violation of the law or just scaredy chickens or SWATting attempts.

Now we wait for the year report and the amazement of journos and politicians when again is reported that the end of the world did not come.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Six months in, the effects of open carry in Texas: This is our shocked face.”
  1. Texas adopted the same law as we passed in Minnesota about twelve years ago. And of course the same wailing and gnashing of teeth occurred here too. Not only didn’t that happen there is now twelve years of data proving that those who carry for lawful self defense are safer and more law abiding than the general public.
    Part of the law mandates an annual report on the carry permit system and also documents criminal acts committed by permit holders.

  2. So tens of thousands means >20,000 but less than 100,000. If only 19 out of those >20,000 calls were open-carry related, then open-carry-related police calls accounted for <0.1% of total incidents.

    That's fewer than the number of E-mails in the DNC e-mail leak that included racist or homophobic comments.

  3. But… but we were told it was going to be mayhem, blood on the streets by Open Carry people! Black Church Choirs mowed down by racist Rednecks carrying their six-shooters on the open! Quinceañera parties destroyed by NRA members totting assault weapons!

    Don’t forget the one about the police not being able to differentiate good guys with guns from bad guys with guns, and shooting everyone who’s armed.

    I always thought that, as unlikely as it is, would be the most probable predicted outcome. And THAT one apparently hasn’t happened, either.

    1. Even during the Dallas Police Ambush, when an unknown Black Man was targeting the police, none of the open carriers in the BLM protest were shot by police. The one open carrier that was identified as a “person of interest” was able to find officers and was taken into custody peaceably. All that during a total CF.

      1. Yeah, the antis predicted irresponsibility and total mayhem, we predicted responsibility and peace among the law-abiding folk. The final result wasn’t even somewhere in the middle, but firmly on our side.

        IOW, we were right, they were as wrong as wrong can be. No bones about it.

        That’s still not going to stop them from predicting “blood in the streets” the next time carry laws are loosened.

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