Once again, the Zuckbots swing and miss. I posted this meme and I will admit it is rather cruel in this day and age of Airborne parentage. I did that shit when I was a toddler (and with a key rather than a fork) and I still remember the shock.

But suicide? Who commits suicide by sticking a fork in a socket?

If I want to hurt myself, I’d tell my wife she looks fat in those jeans, to go make me a sandwich and to hurry up because I have a lap dance waiting at the local strip joint.  Knowing her, it would take her two weeks to kill me in the most painful and miserable way.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Skynet is not happening anytime soon.”
  1. My oldest son was poking at a socket, about age 3. Fortunately with a finger, not a fork. I told him that electricity was in there, that it was very hot and would hurt him. He nodded, went to his room and came back with socks on his hands and said “ I can touch the electricity now. “ Long explanation followed. I’m not sure he believed me.

    1. I learned that you can test a battery with your tongue to see if it has gone dead. Tested that with a 67.5 volt (“B”) battery.
      Yes, it was still live. Never made that mistake again.

  2. I’ve been told I did the same. Which explains why I got a degree in electrical engineering, really.

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