Denver’s public school system is officially ending its relationship with the Denver Police Department (DPD). The district’s school board voted unanimously this week to remove police from all schools by next year in order to undo “the systemic racism that Black children and children of color face.”

The Board of Education’s Wednesday decision to terminate its contract with the DPD comes amid weeks of protests against police brutality, sparked by the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. The district plans to phase police out of schools gradually, removing all officers by June 2021.

Denver school board votes unanimously to remove police from public schools

And all the way from Hell, they approve this idiocy.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Smiling from Hell”
  1. If they’re completely removing Resource Officers then the District should be forced to allow trained and willing teachers to carry. And they should be required to verify a certain number of actively carrying staff or lose Federal funding.

    These administrators denied armed teachers under the argument that police would provide for the safety of the children. If they don’t provide or allow an alternative they don’t deserve to be trusted with our children.

  2. I am ambivalent on the issue. A policeman teaches class in my kid’s middle school, where on top of other stuff I strongly disagree with, he drills into their impressionable heads that GUNS ARE BAD!!!!! GUNS ARE BAD!!!!!

    In other aspects, the police appears to be pretty reasonable for a deeply liberal town. Surprisingly decent in terms of carry permits, for example, compared to our neighboring towns (crossing fingers waiting for spouse’s application results).

    But still, the policeman are, as far as I know, not residents of our overpriced town. They are not our neighbors. They do not have kids at our schools. Is case of a disaster they will be professional and do their jobs by the book. But I strongly doubt they will put their lives on the line for my kids. They do not have skin in the game.

    I am a pessimist. I have seen how relatively decent people react when SHTF.

    1. @A, you do know I hope that “do their job by the book” does not include running into an active shooter zone to protect victims. “No duty to protect” is SCOTUS precedent.

      1. Yes, I am familiar with the SCOTUS cases. That’s why the pessimism. If SHTF in my town, the response will be better than Broward, but I doubt a single policewoman assigned to the school will risk her life for somebody else’s kids (all resource officers I met were female, but a guy taught the class).

  3. Brian P. “If they don’t provide or allow an alternative they don’t deserve to be trusted with our children.”

    In my view, no “if…” required. From political perspective, from neglect of duty perspective, from smarmy asshole inviting a vigorous choking perspective (and I haven’t even contemplated educational malfeasance!), not entrusting your children to duh pooblick skewls, is really the only righteous course.

  4. Get ready guys. We the People are going to take the blame for all the “gun violence” that will be happening as soon as schools open. Wheres the parents in all this lunacy?? Why aren’t they raising holy hell about this?? When are Americans gonna step up and say enough??

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