Whistleblowers to play key role in enforcing Biden vaccine rule

To enforce President Joe Biden’s new COVID-19 vaccine regulation, the Labor Department is going to need a lot of help. Yet its Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) doesn’t have nearly enough workplace safety inspectors to do the job.

“There is no army of OSHA inspectors that is going to be knocking on employers door or even calling them,” said Debbie Berkowitz, a former OSHA chief of staff who is a fellow at Georgetown University’s Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor. “They’re going to rely on workers and their union representatives to file complaints where the company is totally flouting the law.”

Under the regulation, businesses must maintain records on workers’ vaccination statuses. But for workplaces where employees aren’t required to be vaccinated, workers will need to get weekly tests and wear masks.

OSHA said it plans to check on compliance with the latter by doing spot-checks of businesses, and will also rely on complaints the agency receives about businesses that aren’t following the regulation.

So the Administration is going to rely on employees to rat out bosses and coworkers for not being vaccine and testing compliant.

There are going to be a lot of industrial accidents coming up.

Just saying, if you rat out your unvaccinated coworkers, you might want to double check your fall protection equipment.

(Or not because you probably deserve it)

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Snitches get stitches”
  1. “file complaints where the company is totally flouting the law”
    Er. Law? What law would that be? ‘Cause it seems the Biden Administration is the party currently flouting the law.
    They’re looking for snitches to rat out those who fail to comply with… well, it’s not a law, nor a regulation, nor even an executive order. It’s just What The President Says He Wants. If that’s “law”, then law is dead and we’re truly living in a dictatorship.

  2. It’s a regulation. And most Federal agencies (here’s looking at you, EPA) rely on companies to self-report. Probably 99% of the enforcement action you see is the result of a company self-reporting and the govt agency deciding to make an example. So for every regulation made, there’s a companion regulation about self-reporting. So in normal times if my company violates a minor portion of the environmental emissions permit, we report and typically it’s a small fine. But if we don’t report and get caught later, it’s a very very large fine. And possibly criminal action.

    I think OSHA wants to follow the same pattern, but I think this will get much bigger before it stops.

  3. Or it will die a well deserved death and just fukkin go away… I thought this was being challenged in many courts AND a federal judge had froze it from going any further……. More division against We the People..

    1. 5th Circuit Court shut down the mandate. Then the people behind Biden went and basically said that no matter what the Courts decide, the Administration is right and the mandate stands.

  4. The Poopy Pants Administration knows that a lot of corporations WANT to do this.
    They know full well this will (most likely) not survive a court challenge, but know the woke stooges will do it anyway.

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